

  • Buying ground turkey and using it for ground hamburger-they will never know. Pork is great for you as well. Lots of fruits and vegetables as well-making them a meal, yourself a big chef salad. It is amazing our kids are sometimes jealous of the food we are eating-there are amazing sugar free fudgepops..OMG they are great,…
  • Good luck girl! It is about making a lifestyle choice, still eating something sweet, but a better choice-reading lables, using myfittnespal is an awesome tool! When you want something sweet, look up an item that will fill that craving, yet not throw you over your calories/fat etc. My husband and I are doing this together,…
  • Hi Jessica- You will LOVE this site....it is great to keep you on track and make you accountable to yourself, I think that is what is most important, being true to you. I have been on here off and on for a year or so. For the last three weeks I have logged in daily and really makes me proud of myself. I am down about 8 lbs…