

  • My newest thing is Quorn. It is meatless and soyless crumbles that are PERFECT in so many recipes! But, if your a vegan you can't have this as I believe it is primarily made of eggs...:flowerforyou:
  • thanks drew for your advice. I think thats a good idea to plan my meals ahead... your right if i have it all ready to go it will be a lot harder to go out of my way and get other food. and as far as the gym thing you suggested... i am also doing that too. i usually push myself a little harder when i know i ate crap the day…
  • actually, thats the funny thing. I have relatively healthy food in my house... but i have those days that all i can think of is getting a 32 fountain pop and sometimes even a candy bar! it is literally a comfort fix for me. so to answer your question, i have no junk food in my house... i just go out of my way to get it!!
  • I am going to say what everyone else said- have your doctor check your thyroid. My mother had hypothyroid and weighed her heaviest before she started taking medication for it. Now she looks and acts healthier. If it's not that, then maybe your body just wants you to be at 180?? You don't undereat do you, because that can…
  • I welcome you to this site! I am new still as of yesterday... but I absolutely love it so far! There couldn't be a better place for ideas, tips, and recipes! If you want some extra people to talk to add me in as your friend- the more support the better.