meghanner Member


  • I'm a midwife and holistic nutrition/functional medicine practitioner. I mostly encourage women to adopt a paleo style of eating during pregnancy! It can do wonders for your blood sugar control. If you need more help send me a message
  • I realize this may be too late but take Activated charcoal ...... take it in pill form. It will absorb any residual toxins in your system. It's what we give people in the emerg dept. Bone broth and kombucha will help your belly heal.
  • I agree with newmeadow. Eating strict paleo won't make you want to stop drinking alcohol. I don't mean to pry and am certainly not judging but, as a medical professional who sees many women who struggle with drinking problems, it sounds like you may need some greater support with this issue? I'd see that out independently…
  • Personally, I do much better with potatoes than I do with sweet potatoes or yams, which make me feel irritable and bloated. I stick to organic purple potatoes which are full of antioxidants and higher in nutrients. I don't eat a ton of them and will often pre cook them, cool them and eat them cold or reheated as a source…
  • Women NEED carbs for healthy metabolic and endocrine function which is why low carb doesn't work well, in the long term, for most ladies. Sometimes it can be a helpful approach to bust through a plateau for a few weeks but overall, I'm of the mindset that if you're a woman you should be eating at least 100g (total) of…
  • In general and for women especially under eating and/or eating too few carbs can trigger stress in your body and lead to obsessive thoughts, constant hunger and eventually a binge cycle. It's a situation I've seen with my clients time and time again. I know it may sound controversial but I don't believe that a keto diet is…
  • That's the calories with the meat only. You would have to take the skin and meat off the bones, weigh them and then calculate the calories if you want an accurate measure.
  • I agree, it sounds like you aren't recovered if you are 106 and wanting to lose 8 lbs. That would send you into a dangerously low BMI, further 'damage' your metabolism and likely result in loss of your period again. Take care of yourself. Eat whole foods! Stephani Ruper has a wonderful book which can be found on her…
  • When your body is fighting an infection you will naturally retain water. Drink some bone broth to help nourish and support your immune system and you'll get better.
  • In recent years it seems that paleo and primal have more or less morphed into a very similar philosophy. Many in the Paleo community including Dianne San Fillippo, Liz Wolfe, Robb Wolf and Chris Kresser have advocated the benefits of grass-fed dairy for people who can tolerate it. If you do dairy, just please, source it…
  • Gelatin coconut milk panna cotta
  • I'm around 80-105...I feel satiated when I eat at this level. My macros sit around c/p/f 25/25/50
  • If you can't tolerate nightshades sweet potato flour is also an alternative. There is very good evidence to support it's use and another reason to enjoy some cold potato salad ;0
  • I am just experimenting with keto paleo and it's kind of interesting! My previous macros were about 25% Carbs/ 30% protein/ 45% its more like 10% (that includes fiber) carbs/ 20% protein/ 70% fat ...I'm not sure what I think yet but I'm way less bloated and am enjoying the extra pork belly :)
  • I'm 5'4" and maintain or slowly gain on 1500...everyone is different :) Just try eating to hunger. If you weight goes up, decrease it by 200-400 cals/day and see what happens.
  • Just looking at your food diary. Aside from what everyone else has said, you are getting very little actual micronutrients, which are essential for fat loss. There seems to be quite a bit of processed food (burger patty/ballpark hot dogs). These processed foods will only set you back in the long run. I'd recommend doing a…
  • Is there a reason why you're going keto? Just a thought but if you're not getting all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy while you lose weight, wouldn't it be gentler on your system to increase potassium rich foods, increase carbs a bit and stay balanced? Just a reflection. Be kind to your body : )
  • I strongly believe that if it feels good do it. If it becomes a chore or is a drain on your body or mind, it may be worth re-evaluating. The "cardio" that is generally frowned upon is "chronic cardio" at a 70-85% pace. It can increase cortisol and inflammation in the body. Hiking, walking ect is at a much lower level and…
  • I'm not sure if your symptoms are caused by the sugars but from a medical perspective, breast tenderness is caused by a dominance in estrogen. You either have too much or an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. How is your sleep? How much fat have you lost? Do you think you've lost fat quickly? Fat stores toxins,…
  • I don't think there is anything wrong with them if you eat them in moderation, like most things. Coconut sugar is very low GI and is excellent for baking and organic pure stevia is also a good sugar substitute. Just watch all the omega-6 fats that comes from almond flour. Perhaps you may want to experiment with coconut…
  • I also eat about 50% from fat and have never been leaner :) Don't fear the fat, just choose where if comes from and watch your sugar intake :)
  • I agree with what everyone else has suggested here. You're likely just adjusting. Is there some reason why you're hanging on to that terrible creamer each morning? I'd try swapping it out with organic/grassfed full fat cream (if dairy doesn't bother you) or coconut milk. Good luck and congrats on choosing a healthier…
  • If you're switching from higher carb to low carb you will loose weight (mostly water). If you have increased fats while maintaining carbs...well...I think you just answered your own question :) You will gain weight. If you want to increase fats to lose weight, you will need to let go of the gatorade and high sugar carb…
  • I'm 3 lbs heavier today than I was two days ago....don't stress. It's just fluid.
  • I think it really depends who you ask. Mark Sisson defines low carb at 20-50g/day (total not net) and he qualifies this as the "sweet spot" for weight loss. Above that ,50-100g is slow steady loss and 100-150g is maintenance for active people. Anytime I feel a bit pudgy I drop my carbs to around 20% (50-70g/day with about…
  • Eating too few carbs can actually be quite damaging to the thyroid. Hashimotos is an autoimmune disease where the body "attacks" itself. I have had a lot of clients have quite good success with the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol. You may want to check it out. Don't take your vitamin with your thyroid meds. It will block the…
  • 0 pos....I was a vegan for years and have never been more unhealthy. I was a good vegan too..not just french fries and diet coke :) Now I have mega anxiety if I miss meat in a meal! Ha ha...the body knows what it wants!
  • My net is usually around 900-1100 and I usually eat around 1250-1400. I'm pretty short however and maintain on this level.
  • I'm 5'4.5" :) My lowest weight was 105 when I was really strict paleo and hyper vigilant about calorie tracking. Highest was 140 (when I had taken Depro Vera and was vegan. My goal is 107-108. I feel and look my best at this weight.
  • Have you tried grain free (paleo)? I may provide the relief you're looking for and give your digestive system a chance to heal.