Thanks everyone!
The big reason I am drawn to fitness watches, is I am outside running around with my 2y/o all day, and having my phone on me is not a priority, but still want to be able to see how active we got. The only features that interest me are: -Steps taken -Pace -Distance -Heart monitor (not a high priority but would be nice to…
We walk (well, I walk, he strolls) about 3 miles everyday, but today for instance, it started raining 1 mile into our walk. I have gotten him a little mat but is uninterested in it. And you are definitely right on them growing up too fast. Still can't even believe he's 2 now.
I usually know I'll be out drinking the night before I actually drink, so (I'm not sure if this is actually okay or not) But I stick to a lot of lighter meals to make up for the calories I'll be indulging. Or, have a harder workout the morning before a night of drinking. I'm usually not to worried about it, but you…
So if I ever wanted to be a stripper, I'd be a sexy "not fat" stripper ;)
I have tried the E-Cig, but something about the vapor irritated my throat. It could have been the brand, but I already spent $80 on it and don't have that kind of money to keep trying brands. :/
I'm proud of you for facing your body demons :) I sure hope you will keep in touch with your progress and in a few months we can exchange "after" pictures without having and fear of people looking at your body! BIKINIS IN 2014? I THINK YES!!!
My problem with pedometer apps is that that they either run down my battery life, or it wont work if my phone locked.
The cellulite is indeed there! My web camera just decided to be nice for once in its life, and hid it from you all. I have actually notice an improvement in the thigh/butt cellulite region. I won't go into full detail about it now [I'll post the full blown thing on a new message board] But I have been doing the 30 day…
THANK YOU EVERYONE! I was always told that if you eat within two hours of going to sleep all the calories consumed will go unburned and be stored as fat. I weighed myself today and have lost 4 pounds in about a week and I would hate to see any of it back! I'm just being paranoid :)
OH MY GOD! I KNOW! My closet was finally cleaned out yesterday, but I went to a dinner party and this happened....
I think I fixed the picture.. it shows up on mine!
I want to wear the cute little dresses/skirts without having to carry a little bottle of baby powder with me everywhere I go!