
So, I am a moderate smoker (10-15 cigarettes a day) It's a disgusting habit, I know. I started when I was 13, I have no idea why really. I was probably just one of those "Ohhhh look at me, I'm so cool cause I smoke" Bullcrap.
I smoke when I drink, clean, after I eat, after sex, before work, during work, after work, when I'm bored... so pretty much all the time. It's worse when I'm with people that smoke (which is about 95% of my friends/co-workers/relatives)
I tried quitting last year, and it was a nightmare! I replaced smoking with eating and gained 11 pounds in one week!! It only got worse from there..
Is there anyone else struggling with trying to quit smoking and losing weight at the same time??

On top of gaining weight, I was a complete B*TCH!


  • duchessglencairn
    I quit smoking on April 22nd after smoking ~1 pack a day. I used the eCig to get me through the craving and the "need". It was hard to get used to at first because it IS NOT like a real cigarette. I found I was smoking less and less until I just stopped.

    I still keep it around for when I drink but otherwise I'm doing great. Hope this helps and Good Luck!
  • bisquickshawl
    bisquickshawl Posts: 29 Member
    I have tried the E-Cig, but something about the vapor irritated my throat.
    It could have been the brand, but I already spent $80 on it and don't have that kind of money to keep trying brands.
  • sophiemama
    sophiemama Posts: 62 Member
    I just recently quit (about a month ago). Like you I started smoking yound and only quit once before when I was pregnant with my daughter. I had been an ex smoker for almost three years and then I picked it up again. So stupid I know. For me cold turkey is the way to go. I did buy one of the vapor ciggerates but when I got it home it was broken :/. So instead if puffing on it I just held it during my trigger times (talking on the phone, while drinking, after I eat) I never really missed the nicotine I wss a little irritated for a couple of days but the actual habit is what I missed the most. Lots of lung cancer and smoking related deaths have accured in my family so for me to continue to smoke is just stupid. I don't have great advice but to try to avoid your triggers as much as you can

    Sorry for all the spelling mistakes, I'm too tired to fix them