

  • How about just drinking skimmed milk, relatively inexpensive, good availability, good protein (think about what whey protein actually is), simple and no mixing / preparation required
  • I like to do classes, the instructors are usually great, if you have Bodypump classes near you they combine resistance and cardio.
  • Love Bodypump but half the fun is going to the classes. For bodypump 82 I use the step for chest press and triceps only.
  • I drink a litre of skimmed milk for recovery after a workout in preference to mucking about with protein powders or "sports" drinks. 37g of protein, 55g of milk sugars and 1g of fat per litre plus it seems to rehydrate me well in comparison to straight water. It's much more convenient than mixing and blending powders and…
  • Sound advice, very realistic also great progress, well done
  • Thanks for the advice, 500-600cal is about the same as the bike computer tells me so I guess I'm going to stick with recording that in my diary. Really enjoy my spinning class.
    in spinning Comment by b1gl0ser July 2012
  • Thanks Angelraguel, when I look back at my diary I usually exceed my protein recommended percentage for each week but it looks like I also eat too much sugar i.e. although my carbs are low as a percentage the proportion of sugars is high so as you suggest that's maybe a place to start