

  • We all have really bad days/weekends. You can do it! Just remember focus on making the best choice you can today. You can't change yesterday. Cheer up, we have ALL been there for sure. I know you can make today a better day.
  • Super nervous this weekend. I am traveling (a family wedding) and I really have been doing well and I don't want to ruin it!! This morning I ate at the hotel for breakfast, thought I was doing good, went to track my cals and I had eaten 500 of my 1330 cals!!!! OH WELL! I am learning and I know the choices I made that I can…
  • Are you taking in enough calories. Remember that while you don't want to replace one for one the calories you burn with exercise (obviously!) you have to take enough in or your body thinks it is "starving" and your metabolism actually slows down! Give it a few more weeks and you should be right back on the losing track.…
  • Don't know this year but I am a nurse and have decided next year since i will be at my goal weight I am going to be a sexy nurse or a zombie nurse. They do make them in plus sizes but I am ready to be out of them!!!!
  • I am only 2 days in I would love to!!
  • I just got a fab HRM for my birthday (today) and did the 30 day shred. 20 minutes as circuit training was just a wee bit conservative but if you are like me you don't want to over estimate calories burned so I think logging it as that is perfect!
  • Cd_kc- I can't speak for everyone but my feeling is always the more the merrier on this journey!! Welcome and good luck meeting your goals!! You would just need to post your starting weight your current weight and your goals. Then come back each week and tell us how you did (or more often for support or congrats!).
  • I know the group weighs in Wednesdays but I had already started with a monday weigh in so here are my stats. I weighed in this morning and got the best birthday present ever (yep todays my b-day! <grin>). I am at 167.2 down almost 3 pounds this week. I wasn't perfect but whatever I am doing is working <grin> I started 30…
  • I know I am late to the party <grin> but have you tried push up bars? The are suggested for people who find push ups tweak their wrist. It makes the push ups a little harder but may be a life saver for you. Just my 2 cents ;)
  • I started the program today. It was hard (even at level 1!!! LOL) but I loved it. I have ADD so the way the program works (3 minutes strength 2 minutes cardio 1 minute abs repeated 3 times) is great for me. PLUS my heart rate was up even in the strength parts so I know I earned every calorie burned! <grin> I can't wait to…
  • SO...that link didn't work for me. I am pretty much a tech person so if you want help let me know. Also, I might suggest you just post it to google docs, make it public (since there is no personal information in it....I know our weight is personal but our real names aren't in it) and then you can easily manipulate (works…
  • At the weight in your signature you burned 647 calories!! NICE WORK. Keep making those goals and you will push yourself and get there. Again, great job. Way to get out there an finish something.
  • These ideas are awesome!! I will give them to her so she can choose, she like it to be a surprise!! ;) I hadn't heard of hungry girl but I think I will check it out. I love to cook so finding new things to cook so I can still enjoy the kitchen is going to be key to my success. Thanks again! Elizabeth
  • I agree that sometimes you have to be able to splurge without giving the food the power to make you feel guilty. The key is to do that double workout and not look back. If we are all really trying to make this perm. there will be homecoming games, weddings, birthday cakes, etc. in life and we just have to do EVERYTHING in…
  • Hi all...joining late but better late then never I say. I weighed my self Monday and so I will look really good this week because I won't weigh in again until next wed. but then I will be on the challenge schedule. Here are my goals Cw:170 Start :170 Goal : 159 Fitness goal: work out 4 times per week at least 30 minutes…