
  • I know the group weighs in Wednesdays but I had already started with a monday weigh in so here are my stats.

    I weighed in this morning and got the best birthday present ever (yep todays my b-day! <grin>). I am at 167.2 down almost 3 pounds this week. I wasn't perfect but whatever I am doing is working <grin>

    I started 30 day shred and am loving now just have to keep it all going...

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    I know the group weighs in Wednesdays but I had already started with a monday weigh in so here are my stats.

    I weighed in this morning and got the best birthday present ever (yep todays my b-day! <grin>). I am at 167.2 down almost 3 pounds this week. I wasn't perfect but whatever I am doing is working <grin>

    I started 30 day shred and am loving now just have to keep it all going...

    Hope everyone has a great week.

    Happy Birthday!!!
  • Sorry I forgot to post last week.. my starting weight was 196.6 and I am down to 193.6 as of today!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope the weather is as good where YOU are as it is HERE! It made this morning's walk so much more pleasant!

    So I struggled a bit on Saturday but ended up staying on track. I made very poor choices for breakfast simply because I didn't check the calories first so I was upset to learn I had consumed far more calories than I expected. The old me would have given up and just called it a cheat day. But the new me decided that I had to walk (I was going to skip my walk that one day) and that I would have to plan out the rest of my day and stick with it. Which I did! And I stayed within my range! Yesterday was better but this week I've challenged myself to include more fruits and veggies in my day. And this cool weather is PERFECT for sweet potato soup! Yum!

    Here's to a great week for all of us! Can't wait for my Wednesday Weigh-in!
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 701 Member
    I know the group weighs in Wednesdays but I had already started with a monday weigh in so here are my stats.

    I weighed in this morning and got the best birthday present ever (yep todays my b-day! <grin>). I am at 167.2 down almost 3 pounds this week. I wasn't perfect but whatever I am doing is working <grin>

    I started 30 day shred and am loving now just have to keep it all going...

    Hope everyone has a great week.

    First of all, Happy Birthday! And congrats on a great weigh-in!!!
    Also, You can weigh on whatever day you want, I had originally asked that everyone poet their weekly results on Wednsedays, but so many challengers I am okay with you posting on whatever day you want.

    Happy Monday everyone..... keep your goals in mind at all times.... holidays are getting closer!!!!
  • cd_kc
    cd_kc Posts: 21
    I'm a little late on getting started, but wondering if I might be able to join. I turn 40 on Nov 24th. SO that's a big goal date for me. I actually started working towards my goal about a month ago, mostly with exercising, but not consistent with eating and guess what? No consistent weight loss. So I'd love some accountability and support. Let me know if I can join and if so, what the process will be. Thanks!
  • Cd_kc-

    I can't speak for everyone but my feeling is always the more the merrier on this journey!! Welcome and good luck meeting your goals!!

    You would just need to post your starting weight your current weight and your goals. Then come back each week and tell us how you did (or more often for support or congrats!).
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    (yep todays my b-day! <grin>).
  • cd_kc
    cd_kc Posts: 21
    OK, I'm in then, if OK with everyone else.

    I'm 5'4" and currently weigh 165ish. It seems to vary a little b/c it's not a digital scale and hard to read, but that's what I'm going to go with. My goal is 143 pounds and if I can do that by Nov 24th (my 40th birthday), that would be fantastic, but I'll be realistic and settle for 150.

    I'm a working mom of 3 active boys (ages 3, 6, and 7). I just started the p90x exercise program last month. Seeing results in fitness but not in weight as my eating hasn't been consistently good. my history is I do well for a few days and then not so well or get tired by the evening and don't pay that much attention to what I eat. Plus I find it is sometimes a hassle to enter what I eat, especially if I cook something as II tend to be a "throw stuff together and see what works cook". So I'm hoping to stay simple. I'd love to stick with mostly fruits & veggies and protein. I'm drinking a protein shake after my workout and I think that helps curb my appetite for awhile and then a protein bar for a snack in the afternoon (mostly for convenience). My biggest downfall is carbs. I love sugary things (like gummy bears) and chips/popcorn/cereal/rice/potatoes, most of which isn't the most nutritional and I can eat a lot. Problem is that my family likes to eat those things so temptation can be hard to resist. Any advice?
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 701 Member
    Welcome Caroline!! Glad to have you! Unfortunately, I dont have any cooking/food suggestions, as I hate to cook! I have a protein shake for at least one meal a day. My daughters are grown, so I mostly just cook for myself, and my hubby when he's not on the road working (which is most of the time!). Hopefully, someone here has young children and can offer some advice. Best of luck to you!!
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 701 Member
    (post duplicated itself.... there needs to be a 'delete post' button!)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I am super nervous about weighing in on Wednesday :( ... I haven't eaten wrong, in fact I am really within my calorie boundaries. I have been working out like crazy and eating most of my exercise calories (being careful to subtract the sitting on my "*kitten*" calories from the total burned) My HRM registers that since I got it I should be at least 1 pound down but I have also been somewhat constipated. Yep, I am drinking a lot of water (avg 21 glasses per day, 8 oz measured) and I have plenty of fiber in my diet. My boss gave me something to take tonight before bed and I hope it works. I am starting to feel crampy and really don't want to resort to an enema or anything like that.

    So I am nervous that when I weight it's going to show a GAIN LOL ... okay not really LOL as in happy LOL as in, nervous LOL *sigh*
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 701 Member
    Sorry you arent feeling well Karen. I must admit, I've had that same issue at times during my weight loss. It will work itself out... no pun intended!!

    I was reading a friends blog today. She has lost over 50 pounds and is almost half way to her goal. I want to share just a line or two from it......

    I am the woman who cheerily poked fun at herself for years, who adopted the Popeye mantra of "I yam what I yam," because this defiant acceptance of what I had become kept the pain at bay. Discovering my power led me to a liberating discovery, that I am, in fact, whatever the hell I choose to be.
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 701 Member
    Sorry you arent feeling well Karen. I must admit, I've had that same issue at times during my weight loss. It will work itself out... no pun intended!!

    I was reading a friends blog today. She has lost over 50 pounds and is almost half way to her goal. I want to share just a line or two from it......

    "I am the woman who cheerily poked fun at herself for years, who adopted the Popeye mantra of "I yam what I yam," because this defiant acceptance of what I had become kept the pain at bay. Discovering my power led me to a liberating discovery, that I am, in fact, whatever the hell I choose to be."
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    OK, I'm in then, if OK with everyone else.

    I'm 5'4" and currently weigh 165ish. It seems to vary a little b/c it's not a digital scale and hard to read, but that's what I'm going to go with. My goal is 143 pounds and if I can do that by Nov 24th (my 40th birthday), that would be fantastic, but I'll be realistic and settle for 150.

    I'm a working mom of 3 active boys (ages 3, 6, and 7). I just started the p90x exercise program last month. Seeing results in fitness but not in weight as my eating hasn't been consistently good. my history is I do well for a few days and then not so well or get tired by the evening and don't pay that much attention to what I eat. Plus I find it is sometimes a hassle to enter what I eat, especially if I cook something as II tend to be a "throw stuff together and see what works cook". So I'm hoping to stay simple. I'd love to stick with mostly fruits & veggies and protein. I'm drinking a protein shake after my workout and I think that helps curb my appetite for awhile and then a protein bar for a snack in the afternoon (mostly for convenience). My biggest downfall is carbs. I love sugary things (like gummy bears) and chips/popcorn/cereal/rice/potatoes, most of which isn't the most nutritional and I can eat a lot. Problem is that my family likes to eat those things so temptation can be hard to resist. Any advice?

    Welcome! I don't know if this will be any help but here's what I did a lot when my kids were little--in fact I still do this a lot--I use a slow cooker. I set it up in the morning and supper is ready that evening! There are LOTS of great easy and healthy recipes here under the recipes board and elsewhere on the web.

    As for carbs--try whole grain pasta and cereals, brown rice and have potatoes just once in a while. Popcorn is actually a whole grain so as long as you don't drown it in butter or load it up with salt there's nothing wrong with having it once in a while as a snack.

    I also try to be sure to include an evening snack in my calorie count for the day and that seems to help.

    That's all I can think of for now. It's a start, at least.
  • I know the group weighs in Wednesdays but I had already started with a monday weigh in so here are my stats.

    I weighed in this morning and got the best birthday present ever (yep todays my b-day! <grin>). I am at 167.2 down almost 3 pounds this week. I wasn't perfect but whatever I am doing is working <grin>

    I started 30 day shred and am loving now just have to keep it all going...

    Hope everyone has a great week.

  • I am super nervous about weighing in on Wednesday :( ... I haven't eaten wrong, in fact I am really within my calorie boundaries. I have been working out like crazy and eating most of my exercise calories (being careful to subtract the sitting on my "*kitten*" calories from the total burned) My HRM registers that since I got it I should be at least 1 pound down but I have also been somewhat constipated. Yep, I am drinking a lot of water (avg 21 glasses per day, 8 oz measured) and I have plenty of fiber in my diet. My boss gave me something to take tonight before bed and I hope it works. I am starting to feel crampy and really don't want to resort to an enema or anything like that.

    So I am nervous that when I weight it's going to show a GAIN LOL ... okay not really LOL as in happy LOL as in, nervous LOL *sigh*

    Hoping you lose this week...but if you dont ....there is comfort in the knowledge that you did everything right!
    BTW..how do you managae to drink that much water?? I am sure I would drown trying to keep all that water down :drinker:
  • coniconstance
    coniconstance Posts: 321 Member
    Starting weight -272
    Current weight- 270
    Goal weight - 247
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thanks Lois and Ellis: regarding water: I work out too so it's not too hard to drink that water and it is also the only thing I drink (other then coffee in the morning) In fact, looking at the time, I am already behind in today's drinking LOL.

    I did take magnesium last night but not sure if that's going to work today. I also drank water with benefiber (ooooo forgot that's 2 glasses ... have to log that so I am NOT behind LOL). I hope this works. Going to do the magnesium again tonight and drink some hot water with lemon today. It's really a matter of comfort at this point. Toward the end of my cardio workout yesterday I started to cramp up. I didn't really give it my all yesterday was just feeling "weighed down" ... so we shall see. I am going to not let tomorrow's number discourage me (if it's higher or the same) I will continue on and make some adjustments.

    Everyone is so supportive xoxox
  • SW -82 kilos
    CW - 80 Kilos [0.5 kilos loss]
    GW - 74 kilos
This discussion has been closed.