morgie215 Member


  • LOVE the pic of your boxer!! I have 1 too but she is a very old girl now...
  • have you tried hemp protein?? you can get it at the health food store
  • I've had that happen and I do have a digital scale and also weighed in at the gym..... Last week I also had it go the other way ~ going up 6 pounds in 1 day and then took several days before it went back down. I think it is water fluctuations, perhaps due to hormones. It is common when you first start dieting/exercising to…
  • Hi, I have had a gazelle for about years. When I use it it is very good. I have found that it works really well at toning my ab area (better than a tread mill)! When I do use it consistently people notice my mid section looking better within 2-3 weeks! My sister in law lost over 40 pounds in a little less than a year using…
  • BTW ~ WOW!! You are doing fantastic on you weight loss results!! You are an inspiration!:smile:
  • A good way to get an expensive shoe for far less is to go to a sporting / shoe store and find a brand and style that works for your foot. BUT instead of buying the shoe there just take the band/style and size and look for it on line. I just bought a pair of $120 new balance sneakers on ebay for $54.00 INCLUDING shipping.…