karibari Member


  • How do you like the Shine still? I have been considering it but keep hearing such negative reviews about it. BUT it is the only waterproof one I've seen and I'm a swimmer so....kind of important.
  • My 4 year old was in a somewhat similar situation...when she started preschool at 3 she started holding it in...which led to stomach pain and cramps. Now she's 4 and about to start a new school...sure enough she has started pooping in her underwear now (I know that's not what is happening to your daugther). I know a lot of…
  • Yep...diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and thyroid cancer six years ago....had my thyroid taken out and gained 80 pounds fairly rapidly. I used to feel hungry all the time, even on Synthroid. Now that I'm working out consistently and trying to eat a healthier diet, I don't feel quite as hungry. I try to fill up on…
  • I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's (autoimmune hypothyroidism) as well as thyroid cancer 6 years ago....that's when my weight gain took place...I ballooned up very quickly (30 pounds in one month and over the years i gained another 40 or so). I also had my thyroid taken out and take Synthroid...but have found it IS…
  • wow, great to know there's so much veg support on this site! i was veg most of my life, even vegan in grad school but then got cancer and quit caring about what i ate. I have recently (two weeks ago) re-converted back to veganism...mostly because that is what the Physician's Committee of Responsible Medicine recommends to…
  • according to my "boot camp" instructor, if you drop under 1200 you're body starts storing the calories/fat. not sure how accurate this info is. this site recommended I eat 1500 calories/day...i've been eating around 1200-1500 (changing it up every day) and I've lost 10 pounds in 12 days. hope this helps.
  • :smile: congrats! You look amazing! You're a real inspiration! I'm glad to see you did it with determination and hard work...not a fad diet!!
  • Guess I should also mention that I was vegetarian for most of my life....even vegan in grad school. I started eating meat while training for a marathon about 7 years ago because they told me I needed more protein. Once I was diagnosed with cancer, I quit caring what I ate and have been eating meat ever since.