gmmendenhall Member


  • I have been going for the better part of a year and a half now. At first I had to reward myself. 4 days/week for 8 weeks meant that fitness tracker I had been wanting. At 12 weeks, Bluetooth earbuds, etc. After 6 or 7 months I didn't need to reward myself any longer. Fell out of practice for a couple of months when my best…
  • I do all the time. I am a teacher in a behavior disorder/emotionally disturbed classroom full of middle school students. When they get rude, Hateful, out of hand, etc. And it is all of them instead of isolated incidents, that is when I hit the pepsi hard!
  • One of the properties of prednisone is a powerful anti inflammatory. It helped immediately. This pain is all the way across my back, severe abdominal pain, then shooting down both legs. I will try the exercises you gave me. I had already strengthened more core like crazy doing Body Revolution. Lots of Core workout in…
  • I got a large metal trash can and burned one pair of my largest jeans. Then sold almost all of the rest. I did save three dresses and two shirts that I absolutely LOVED and sweetly asked my aunt to alter them for me when I reach my ultimate goal weight. I will also admit that I cut the size tags out of those items, so that…
  • Have you tried adding strength training or circuit training? I had to add a circuit training video to my routine and weight started falling off. I lost 17 pounds in 6 weeks. I would suggest eating back maybe half of your exercise calories and incorporating circuit or strength training instead of only cardio. My body just…
  • So funny! I was just venting about clothing sizes being so off. I have lost 1 1/2 sizes in jeans from a tight size 10 to a loose size 8 after 17 pounds. I have this beautiful pair of size four jeans that I WILL fit into. Maybe not before school starts back up the middle of August like I had hoped, but by Thanksgiving is my…
  • Thanks Ladies!!! You have helped me immensely. I am down almost 17 pounds overall, (15 pounds from when I started tracking my weight on MFP) in the last 6 weeks. Very excited. But I have this one particular Worthington skirt size 10 that I am dying to wear. My size 8 jeans are loose on me, but I still cannot get that…
  • It is so so so easy to get off track. I've heard that it takes 7 days to create a habit but 30 days to break that habit. One week of hard work can get you back on track. You can do it!
  • LOL, the problem is my desire to feel smaller fights with my desire to get a bargain. When i can get a great pair of jeans/skirt/dress for $5 that would usually cost me $50, I can't hardly turn it down.
  • I broke my elbow a couple of years ago. It had never had the strength or range of motion it had before until I start Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. Do as many as you can at the hardest level like Military Style, then modify like others have said. Let your motto be "I'll try one". Now 6 weeks into Body Revolution, I can…
  • My tubs of clothes that are sizes too small. I have shirts and jeans from sizes 4 to 8 (I packed on a lot of pounds over the last 2 years). Some stuff I am sure is out of style and need to be replaced, but it will do until I am satisfied with my weight loss and size. Luckily my job is a jeans and t-shirt type job that all…
  • Not hungrier necessarily. I find my emotions are all over the place and I am an emotional eater, but especially sweets. I know during that time I need to add in the calories (even if it means an extra run on the treadmill) for a soda or candy bar. It gets more depressing when I retain water and the scale either stays the…
  • For me, it is just plain old soda. I just make a choice of when I can have it. I never let myself have a soda unless I have finished at least 8 glasses of water during the day and have the extra calories for it. So maybe go for the one beer if you've gotten your water intake in? Also earlier in the evening instead of later…
  • I wouldn't. Keep on your healthy diet. Is there a chance that the "flab" in front is just the extra skin from rapid weight loss?
  • Wow! These are incredible results. I am on week five of Body Revolution and I was considering 30 Day Shred when I was finished. Is this a good one to try, or will I be ready for something more advanced than the first level of 30DS?
  • Why not try modifying the push-ups for less stress on your body? Do push ups against the wall or at an angle using the coffee table? It should slowly strengthen your wrist and build up your ability.
  • No, I had been a stay at home mom for years, took care of myself, ate right and exercised. Then I started working full time in a behavior disorder classroom. I packed on 40 pounds in 2 years by eating school lunches, drinking lots of soda, having treats in the teachers lounge, etc. Plus it was a high stress job. So now, I…
  • You can do it though! Good luck!
  • I am a carb eater too. I usually try to make my carbs in the form of fresh fruit and I always pair it with a protein like almonds. I get the energy from the carbs but then I don't get the crash because by the time the carbs wear off the almonds have kicked in. I allow I plan out meals and snacks for the whole week (I had…
  • yeah, heart rate monitor for sure. I love mine. and most of the time it has me at less calories burned, but I will say, sometimes it is way over what MFP says.
  • You all are GREAT! I actually add the evening jog in because I love jogging. With the 1200 Calorie, I actually feel full. Lots of fruits and veggies, some healthy proteins. I feel better than I have felt in years. I am glad to hear except for possibly eating a little too few calories I am doing okay. I am not going to lie…