sonjataki Member


  • From the Hoosier state and I have been on and off My Fitness Pal for a few years. Had a baby last year and although I've lost the baby weight I want to be fit for my family!
  • Let's do it!
  • It's really about moderation...if you're going to eat that cake great, just take a small piece. If you know you're going to be consuming a lot of calories, eat smaller meals and snacks throughout the day or else by the time you get to that party or restaraunt, you're going to be way hungry and binge. And that's where…
  • Everyone has really given some good advice on a main remedy for getting motivated- just getting started! I have found it actually helps me to start even smaller to get myself going. Maybe just start with some leg lifts while sitting on the couch. Keep some handweights next to it and start doing some curls. The next thing…