

  • Hi! I also have a hard time getting motivated to work out. Once I start working out its not too problem is I want fast results...I hate waiting! After a few days of tracking what you eat and start feeling healthier you'll start feeling motivated to workout! Good Luck! If there is any place that gives support its…
  • oh yes I hear ya!! I am a 21 year old college student so eating out has been a horrible habit that I have gotten into and I have a few friends like that and it makes me so mad. Here I am counting calories, watching the fat content, and choosing healthier options while they scarf down whatever looks good at the time! In…
  • Thank you everyone for your responses! I really love this site already and everyone is great!!! I really think I can do well with all the support that everyone shows!!! thanks :happy:
  • Hi!!! First of all I would like to commend you for not letting those meanies hold u back!!!! Congrats on taking that first step!!! I myself would like to lose 50 pounds....I am about 4'11" and weigh about 168 right now....with my small body build that is not healthy at all and I too am fed up and ready to change!! I get…