Gypsy_Kitty Member


  • Heya! Another 30-something here. Feel free to add me if ya want. I need to meet some people on this site to help me get re-motivated and stay focused. I'm about halfway to my initial goal - and I could use the occasional kick in the pants to keep me on track. :)
  • Gypsy was the name of my cat .. not terribly original - but I was having a blank moment when I was trying to think of a username for something or other about 10 years ago when he sauntered in the room, jumped on the desk and demanded attention. I've used the name ever since, even tho he passed on a few years ago.
  • I wouldn't be concerned at all ... and I would also stop weighing-in every day. :) Your body will naturally fluxuate in weight by a couple pounds every day, depending on time of day, what you've eaten, when you've eaten, how much water you've drunk that day, what cloths you are wearing, etc. Obsessing over every little…
  • Interesting site - nice to see that I was almost spot on with my goal weight of 175 (the People's Choice Ideal Weight had me at 172).
  • I'm somewhat the same .. 23lbs gone .. and while I've got new notches on my belt - I can't see the difference in my appearance at all. It's somewhat discouraging to not be able to see the progress I've worked so hard to achieve. Maybe when I hit 30lbs gone I'll start to notice more. At least, that's what I keep telling…
  • My sun is in Libra My moon is in Taurus And my rising sign is Aries Translation: I can never seem to make up my mind - but when I finally do - I'm stubborn and headstrong about my choice. ;)
  • I would highly recommend hitting up Barnes & Noble (or your bookseller of choice) and spending some time combing through the cookbook section. There are a lot of books out there for special low calorie, diabetic, and other diets. Most of the recipes, while they might look intimidatting, are actually quite easy and quick to…