

  • yes yes will be my grandaughters 1st birthday also.....perfect....extra motivation
  • I have the healthometer also....have had it for quite a few years and have had no problems ( other than showing a weight I didn't want to ) Think I got it at Sams Club. It is good for 4 people..keeping track of each person individually..wieght...height...age..water...bmi....lbs lost or gained....goal…
  • I have always used the polar brand.....think I'm using the F4 now and now they have it to where you can replace the battery in the detachable part on the chest strap insead of having to buy a new one....
  • I'M up too.....I dispatch ambulances to jails to the people who think it's a get out of jail free card if they go to the hospital.....
    in Who is up Comment by chknuout2 July 2011
  • i have the f6 and love love love it........
  • WAY TO GO !!! :happy:
  • Hello there.....I am in the same boat as you.....I started a while back ago and did really good and then I slacked off and now know. So I finally realize that I do so much better if I am tracking and logging my stuff because I actually can see what I am doing, eating and how I am progressing. I tell my self…
  • good for you!! I like it that now I only see 1 chin on me (and no turkey neck...yeaaaa) ...and can see my collarbones...starting to get more toned and defined all over...everybody keep up the good work ..don't give up. Gotta work hard for what you want...nothing comes easy...but the rewards will be worth all the effort.…
  • I'm not a guy.... and I understand the asterick. You shouldn't think only guys would understand .And Tom Brady doesnt need another ring to show off to people. He did that to us in Vegas. Kept asking if we wanted to see his ring. We said no. K bye. Back to the real task at hand which is finish up my journal for today. It's…
  • I'm in on this one :bigsmile: currently at 183..would like to see the scale display 170. I can do this.
  • Hello..... just a quick hello from a newbie here. So far this site looks good and will hopefully keep me in check as I proceed towards my goal. I have slipped off the path a few times and am really feeling guilty about it because I have reached half of my weight loss goal and in just this past week...I feel as if I have…