

  • You can totally do this and you have already taken the first step. I totally get where you are coming from on the family support. My husband does not care either way if I loose weight or not but he is a chef and he likes to cook and he likes to eat. However.....he does not have a weight problem. The hardest meal of the day…
  • Not to sound stupid but I am new to this whole thing......how do I im you from here ???
  • Wow ! 110 Lbs ! You are a queen ! I have allot to lose as well. Any tips you can give would be great ! I am not at the point where I can run (no yet anyways) so anything you find really worked for you please feel free to share ! I am new here (1 week in) and I will take all the help I can get ! (which is why I am here ! )
  • You can totally do this. Do not set too high of a goal for yourself that way you will not get discouraged too soon. It did not all go on in one day and it sure is heck is not going to come off that quick either. Once you start seeing the results even if it is 1lb a week you will want to keep going to see if you can do…
  • Congrats for getting started ! I too have allot to lose and went for a test at the Dr's this past week and found I was down 25 lbs from the last time I saw him about a year ago. What he told me was to focus on smaller goals such as 1 lb a week and if I can do that and keep it off it will be significant in the long run. It…
  • Good Luck ! I just started this week. It amazes me when I write everything down honestly to look at it and really see what I am putting in my mouth ! It is so easy to enter it in quickly on the computer especially if you are sitting at one all day ! Good luck You can do it !
    in New Comment by evill40 June 2009
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