

  • i'm 5'1. if i'm measuring right (and i might not be, tips appreciated?) my waist is 25.5 and my hips are 37.
  • yeah, I know 115 is fine medically speaking, but i really don't feel good in my skin right now. it's hard for me to tell if that's disordered thinking or not. it's hard to see myself clearly. either way i need to improve my stamina and stop binging.
  • I'm tired b/c of my depression, which has been an issue for me since high school.i work around it. i went for three walks today which felt nice! i am going to focus on finding an exercise routine that works for me - i have vacillated in the past between not exercising at all and exercising as a purging behavior. neither is…
  • oh wow thanks all of you for replying! i just feel really uncomfortable at this weight. i think 110 is the best weight for me. lower than that and i get sick and higher and i just feel gross. i don't *need* to lose the weight but i'm really not happy with how i look right now. also my doctor recommended i stay between 100…