losing weight without relapsing

Hi all- i've been doing this for about a year, losing and gaining the same 10 lbs. I'm 5'1, and i've gone between 103 and 115 lbs. I'm not sure where i am right now, but it's closer to 115. I hate this, and I think I want to try to maintain 110, which is the weight my body likes being. but i don't know how to get back their without going back to my disordered habits - constantly weighing myself, restricting heavily, overexercising, purging, etc. has anyone been in a similar position? my main problem right now is a) i'm too tired to exercise, like really constantly exhausted b) i eat a ton late at night. sometimes it's a recognizable binge, and sometimes i'm just really really hungry.
any advice would be super helpful.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    If you are 5 ft 1 inch and your body weight is at 115 lbs, your Body Mass Index is 21.7, unless my calculator is wrong.

    why do you feel like you need to lose weight ?

    Try to eat your favorite foods and focus on being healthy.

    I suggest you consult a medical doctor about purging. That one is not healthy at all

    Good luck in your journey
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    With a history of ED, I would focus more on small changes and less on huge life overhauls that might trigger obsessive behavior. Try taking the stairs instead of an elevator, parking in the back of a lot, walking to the next bus stop instead of the closest one, subbing a high calorie/carb heavy snack for a healthy/high protein one. Drink more water (sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger!).
  • riaahroo
    Im the same... well im 5'2 and have been between 100 and 120. When i actually got my eating disorder it made me gain weight because i would binge at night like your saying your doing. In order to fix this, my dietitian recommended eating a bigger breakfast preventing me to be super hungry later in the day and eat everything. Now that im doing that, i have actually lost weight and am down to 110 now! good luck:)
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    Make sure you're taking it easy. Will joining a site like this be helpful to you or detrimental? I don't know you so I can't say. Would you focus too much on calories or are you trying to be healthier in general? Would it be easier to ignore calories and focus on making healthier choices / swaps?

    I think there are groups for people in a similar situation. They might be helpful.

    Listen to yourself. If you feel yourself going back into negative habits then try and get some help, from a professional or a close friend who can tell it like it is.
  • Lys2
    Lys2 Posts: 11 Member
    Agreed and agreed. I'm 5'2" and was 108lb for years; 115 is fine too. What matters more than weight, though, is overall health. It sounds like you need to take a look at *what* you're eating and how much you're sleeping. You're doctor may be able to 'prescribe' a fitness plan; have you had your thyroid tested? Find a coach or at least a buddy to workout with to help motivate you to go and to keep you from going overboard.
  • mayegold
    oh wow thanks all of you for replying! i just feel really uncomfortable at this weight. i think 110 is the best weight for me. lower than that and i get sick and higher and i just feel gross. i don't *need* to lose the weight but i'm really not happy with how i look right now. also my doctor recommended i stay between 100 and 115 and i'd rather not be at the higher end of that.
    i think i'll try to focus on exercise, better eating routines, and protein! also i'd like to get better at cooking for myself.
    thanks for all the good advice.
  • Lys2
    Lys2 Posts: 11 Member
    Well, if you're strength training reasonably, your weight might not change (it might, but might not), but your body composistion will change: more muscle, less fat proportionally. That will change how you look, and hopefully how you feel.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Are you tired because of the disorder or are you not setting aside enough time for sleep or...? I know that for me, being tired triggers basically every unhealthy behavior there is. It may be a stretch, but see what you can do about getting enough rest to be clear in your thoughts and emotions. I think sleep is very underrated!

    I agree with others about cooking and weight training. Do those things that get your focus off of a number on a scale and onto your overall health and fitness.

    And good luck to you! I very much hope this is a positive step :)
  • mayegold
    I'm tired b/c of my depression, which has been an issue for me since high school.i work around it.
    i went for three walks today which felt nice! i am going to focus on finding an exercise routine that works for me - i have vacillated in the past between not exercising at all and exercising as a purging behavior. neither is fun.
    and i am excited to get better at cooking!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i think 115 for your height is fine. maybe focus on toning instead of losing weight?
    i'm in recovery and treatment now. lose the scale it does nothing but harm. no need to overexercise if you are tired, just try to get a walk in or something and try to not obsess over calories.
    late night binges can be hard to overcome, find something to keep you busy like a new hobby involving your hands - crafting, sewing, needlework etc
  • mayegold
    yeah, I know 115 is fine medically speaking, but i really don't feel good in my skin right now. it's hard for me to tell if that's disordered thinking or not. it's hard to see myself clearly.
    either way i need to improve my stamina and stop binging.