Kelly_430 Member


  • This made me laugh :D I am that girl in the free weights and I always shake my head at the quote un quote "cardio queens"
  • I looked into PCOS and just by self diagnosis I don't think I have that. I haven't had many of the symptoms but thanks for the fun read! I am very physically active. I am a cardio fiend and I also recently started weight training. I know that this is the cause of my missed period but I'm not going to stop exercising for…
  • Alright I'm going to give it a shot :) Here we go!
  • Hi Courtney, My name is Kelly and I'm 19yrs old. I started this after my graduation last year! I'm 5'2 and 114 and looking to lose about 10lbs. I have been looking for people around my age as well and hopefully we can help each other to reach our goals :) Here's to a great new start and summer!