

  • You might want to visit the Vegetarian website, as they have a nice "getting started as a vegetarian" brochure. It's easier than you might think to lose the meat! Good luck in your new life as a vegetarian/vegan. :flowerforyou:
  • Any friend of Mary's is a friend of mine!! :happy: You are in the right place to lose those pounds! I would love it if you could post your receipe blog link, as I am always looking for something new (and healthy) to try. Tell Mary I said hello! Maria
  • I lived in San Diego for about 8 years and began a vegetarian lifestyle because of some health issues I was dealing with. I did however eat eggs, but everything else was vegan/vegetarian. The problem that some people encounter with following a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle is that they do not get enough protein/iron/vitamin…
  • Yes Vitamin D is available over the counter! You might want to ask your doctor to check your vitamin D level as well. I stay out of the sun (so I won't get skin cancer) and I read that low vitamin D levels contribute to low energy and also help protect against cancer. My level was almost non existent! He put me on 50,000…
  • Holy moly! That would mean that I have to drink 15, 8oz glasses of water a day?!!! That seems like a lot of water, right??
  • I so identify with this!! I'm using the mirror as motivation, but maybe for a while you can just ignore your daughter's mirror. It's going to take time until you see a physical difference. You are already experiencing the inner difference. Keep going!!
  • Thanks for the link to this smoothie! What is "PB2" and where would I get this? :happy:
  • I am there for you too! We can encourage each other! I'm really excited to shop again in my closet. I'm glad I joined this website as well. So many tools to help you achieve your goal.
  • Wow, what support already!! You all are so wonderful! Thank you all for the very warm welcome here! I'm already inspired by all of you! I made a promise to myself that I will be totally honest with myself on this journey. I am glad I found this community here. It's hard when I am the only one I know that is severely…