

  • Sounds like you've been through some rough months. Congratulations on committing to get healthy. Sounds like you are doing everything right--stay on the path!
    in Hello Comment by Lark55 October 2010
  • Girl, you are one smokin' hot mama of two! Lead on--you are an inspiration!:flowerforyou:
  • Kudos to you for getting free of the "cancer sticks" and tackling your weight gain before it's out of control! You'll find lots of good suggestions and support here. Don't get discouraged; you're making positive life choices.
  • Crazy, isn't it? I have had the same experience, but have no pat answers. Try to forge ahead in spite of the numbers, knowing that you are doing better and believing that your efforts WILL be rewarded!
  • I've used a Taylor digital scale the past several years, and it's been accurate with the doctor's scale. It also will read your body fat content, if one really wants to know such things:-). You can also set it for like four different people to track their weight. When I bought it, it wasn't one of the most expensive, but…