austindperry Member


  • Good luck! You all definitely deserve it!
  • Yes they do have brown rice, definitely clutch. I'm glad to see so many Chipotle fans. Hopefully more of these organic and healthy option style restaurants start popping up. And yes it isn't cheap to eat there but I'm not sure I could re-create the deliciousness lol
  • You guys are awesome! Chipotle it is. I think I'll tell them to slow their role with the rice though, they always go overboard!
  • The reason I suspect it would sabotage my diet is simply because it is "fast food". I'm also not very knowledgeable about nutrition and the balance of proteins, carbs, and fats. So basically I didn't know if anyone would point out that it is not balanced or is high in sodium (like you pointed out...thanks!) I could make it…
  • Wow you all are AWESOME! Thank you so much. I think I may be able to make most of these! I think I may also invest in a crock pot because that seems like a good plan. I really like the different taco chicken ideas and the chili recipes. They look so good I may have to go to the store right now! I will have to let all of…
  • This may sound gross but I find it tolerable. At supermarkets you can by canned chicken. This chicken is in water and comes in small cans like tuna. Protein is PACKED into these things however. I eat chicken sandwiches for snacks to boost my protein. They aren't the most delectable but with some sauce and bread it isn't…
  • This is the way I look at it, 1. Soda is empty calories. You gain no nutrional value from drinking one. 2. Soda is bad for your teeth and can also do damage to the rest of your body. 3. Soda is expensive! Why pay $5 for a 12 pack when you can have water for free! I struggled with soda addiction for years. I feel like I…
  • THANK YOU EVERYONE! I love the quick and detailed responses on this site. Definitely feeling the support. I think I will try to eat a slightly bigger breakfast and also incorporate more fiber into my diet earlier in the day. I am happy that my body is responding though! It is a good sign that I am hungry and ready for more…
  • @hopfroggy Yes great idea! I have a lot of fraternity brothers that are local and I'm sure some of them could become a workout buddy. I know that would definitely help keep me accountable. The challenge is finding someone on a similar level as me so I can go at a good pace for myself. I was thinking I could do my lifting…
  • @Dawn Yes that is helpful! I'm not sure if a shower is a must yet but I guess I will find out when my co-workers let me know lol! I would do my workout after work but that really throws off my evenings. I want to be able to run errands, make dinner and spend time with my roommates. Hopefully getting my workout in at lunch…
  • I don't have a grill but the veggie shishkabobs sound great! I think I may need to focus on getting more raw veggies at night instead of the carb heavy rice every night of the week. I have never heard of herb de provence with the olive oil but it sounds like a better option than the marinades I use. Thanks :) The tortilla…
  • Awesome feedback! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going overboard with 180g a day. I also figured that with an intense lifting regimen it is vital to get enough protein. Thanks all!
  • Thanks everyone! It is a very flexible workplace so I think it will work out well. I think my biggest worry is the change from suit to gym clothes and back again. Also, it does require me to be extra diligent and bring all of my workout gear to work with me instead of being able to get ready at home. Thanks for all of the…