ssj80 Member


  • I prefer working out at home. I find that I am more likely to complete my workouts when I get right up in the morning go straight to the front room to get it in. I'm guilty of paying a monthly gym fee for 7 years and being able to count on two hands how many times I actually went. I'm not eager to go down that road again.…
  • Stunning! Congratulations to you.
  • Feel free to add me as well. Always great to have friends to stay motivated with.
  • I did a round of Insanity last year and have started again. I am on my fourth week and preparing to start my recovery week come Monday. This program is awesome if you set realistic expectations when beginning it. I will say right off the bat that the majority of the weight loss that is experienced comes from the second…
    in Insanity Comment by ssj80 May 2014