
Has anyone done insanity??? If so, how was your experience?


  • rachelboddy
    rachelboddy Posts: 115 Member
    I've done it, I love it and hate it all at the same time. I believe if you stick through it as much as possible, modify the moves as needed, you will see results. I also really liked Turbo Fire as well!
  • cosmobella
    cosmobella Posts: 54 Member
    Just did the fit test yesterday!! Do the first workout today. WAS HARD, but fun!!
  • Harry__Hood95
    Harry__Hood95 Posts: 3 Member
    I've done it twice, and love it. I don't think any other program (I've done T25, Rushfit & P90X) can match it's intensity and calorie burn.
  • Msgorgeous83
    Msgorgeous83 Posts: 5 Member
    How do you girls log your insanity workouts?
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I have done Insanity. I love the workouts, but I have a commitment issue to 6 days a week. It also made me sooo hungry and I realized that eating at the caloric intake given from the insanity guide was all wrong for me. I actually gained 10 lbs. A few lbs of that muscle (only a slight few). So in order for me to lose weight, I have to eat lower calories and cannot do Insanity. Great workout but for me I need something that fits with my lifestyle.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    How do you girls log your insanity workouts?

    Most put it in as circuit training or calisthenics vigorous.
  • ssj80
    ssj80 Posts: 4 Member
    I did a round of Insanity last year and have started again. I am on my fourth week and preparing to start my recovery week come Monday. This program is awesome if you set realistic expectations when beginning it. I will say right off the bat that the majority of the weight loss that is experienced comes from the second half of the program. On the up-side though, you lose inches and will begin to notice the difference in the way that your clothes fit in the first month. I can speak for me in saying that I started to get discouraged come week 2 and 3. For some reason, I just expected to see the weight flying off and when it didn't that soon, I started to doubt the program's effectiveness. But then I did some research and came to realize that the body takes time to adjust to any level of activity, and truly we don't start to even see visible changes for at least 21 days/3 weeks of consistently doing any type of exercise. So I kept going, and by the end of the program I'd lost 16 lbs. I know for me, the biggest issue the first go round was dialing in my diet. Had I been on top of that, I think my results would have been even better. It's a great program which is why I've started it again.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    My relationship with Insanity is love/hate.
    I love the workout, the pace, the seriously kicks my *kitten*.
    On the other hand, the high impact moves really takes a toll on my knees, ankles and lower back.

    What I have found is that I can't do Insanity alone, day after day. To combat the joint pain, I'll mix Insanity in with other workouts that I do, sort of like a hybrid workout. That way, I still get the periodic intensity of Insanity, but without the daily beating on my joints.
  • dbz36
    dbz36 Posts: 2
    Yea done it.
    Found it hard to start with but soon got into it.
    Never felt fitter when I'd finished the program but that was a while ago so am thinking of starting again!:smile:
  • insanityalltheway
    insanityalltheway Posts: 3 Member
    I am almost done month 2 of Insanity and its freaking hard, I work at my own pace and do what I can but I love/hate it at times. I have seen results and feel so much healthier and better about myself. I have learned how to diet and count calories and to maintain things while doing it so its helped and taught me a lot. I am going to do another round of it then maybe switch it up and try insanity aslym next.

    I have a question though, when logging yr. exercises on here how do u log insanity so it shows on here that u have been working out?
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    It's EXTREMELY effective. I had visible results after two weeks (ABS!!!) and did it for 10 weeks, doing an extra two weeks of Insanity Max. It kicked my *kitten* into awesome shape very rapidly. I did not do the diet program and did not use it for weight loss but nonetheless I lost 4 kg doing Insanity. The best part is that now my body is capable of doing things it was not capable of before.

    I'm seriously baffled by those who did not have any results after doing the program - it makes me wonder if they were doing the full program with correct moves, 6 days a week, at full intensity. A lot of the moves are very difficult and it's tempting to skip them or do them half-assed. I know I have cursed at the screen many times during the workouts, but I didn't give up, and I have the results to show for it.

    Now I'm doing T25, which is very good as well, but honestly I'm still waiting for a system that can take me higher than Insanity and so far I don't think such a thing exists.
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    My relationship with Insanity is love/hate.
    I love the workout, the pace, the seriously kicks my *kitten*.
    On the other hand, the high impact moves really takes a toll on my knees, ankles and lower back.

    What I have found is that I can't do Insanity alone, day after day. To combat the joint pain, I'll mix Insanity in with other workouts that I do, sort of like a hybrid workout. That way, I still get the periodic intensity of Insanity, but without the daily beating on my joints.

    I have serious knee problems and at first I had the same problem with Insanity because it's so high-impact. However, there ARE low-impact modifications for all the workouts on the Beachbody website. I suggest checking them out. They enabled me to complete the first couple weeks of the program at full intensity, and in fact now I have improved to where I can do nearly all of the full-impact moves, minus any moves with knee torque and jumping lunges, which I will never be able to do.

    That is one thing that T25 has that I wish Insanity had - modifiers in the videos.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I have a love/hate relationship with insanity. During the workouts I hate it. But afterwords is feels so good..

    Question for the masses: Do you think a 15 year old boy is too young for the insanity workout?

    I want to do it with my son over the summer.
  • xpert000
    xpert000 Posts: 2
    I've been on insanity for 4 months now and altered the exercise to my level. As a newbee to exercise, i found it crazy hard, lol. But I stuck in there and have lost 9 kilos and counting. Its worth it for those who want results and are willing to be consistent!
  • xpert000
    xpert000 Posts: 2
    In reply to the question about the 15 year Hes not too young. I have 6 children and I roll out a mat for my 2 and 6 year old to watch and do her exercise, lol. Its more about creating a lifestyle that encourages exercise being fun for them, and they all love it! My 11/15/17 and 19 year olds do it and are all good.
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    I have a love/hate relationship with insanity. During the workouts I hate it. But afterwords is feels so good..

    Question for the masses: Do you think a 15 year old boy is too young for the insanity workout?

    I want to do it with my son over the summer.

    Eh, with teenagers you have to be careful because their bodies are still developing and training too hard can have a detrimental effect (yes I know people do it all the time, including Olympic athletes, doesn't mean it's healthy in the long run, and can cause some long-term effects). My suggestion would be just consult with his doctor about it and make sure he's getting the right nutrition and recovery while working it. It would probably be okay but you really need to ask a professional instead of the peanut gallery, most people here are not experts.