At home or the gym?

What do you prefer and why?

Working out at the public gym or at home with your treadmill, exercise video, free weights etc.

For me personally I think I get a better work out at the gym. I feel like I push myself more because I don't want to have a wasted trip to the gym. I also want to get in my moneys worth for my membership lol



  • ashlepersuasion
    ashlepersuasion Posts: 51 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    I've done both but I like going to the gym most. I enjoy seeing the regulars. They motivate me and keep me pumped up.

    me too! sometimes I am ready to cut my exercise short but then I see other people still going and it keeps me from giving up.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I've done much better working out at home. I made a workout room with a power cage & free weights and bench, etc. it's so much easier to do my workouts consistently since I just go down the hall. It was always hard for me to get to the gym.
  • ashlepersuasion
    ashlepersuasion Posts: 51 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    I've done much better working out at home. I made a workout room with a power cage & free weights and bench, etc. it's so much easier to do my workouts consistently since I just go down the hall. It was always hard for me to get to the gym.

    That's cool you have a dedicated space/room for your workouts...

    Even tho I prefer the gym I sometimes struggle just to get there lol
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    I have to do it at home! With a 3 yr old and 14 mo old twins, time for exercise is hard to find. As soon as my 2 babies go down for nap mommy hits the treadmill or gets working on body weight resistance work. I have a weight bench and a lot of weights that my husband and I want to do with each other, but the babies are still up 2-3 times each at night, so when they go to sleep so do we. When they start sleeping better we will start lifting after they go down at night!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Definitely home. I built a gym in the garage. No lines, no snot or sweat and can play the music as loud as I want. Plus 24/7 access.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    I think if I had my own house and could dedicate the garage or the basement to a full set up with power cage, bench, and all that equipment, I would.

    That being said, I bought some stuff off of the previous tenant (bench, standard barbell and weights) and have used it three times since moving in to my new place three months ago so maybe I'm just better off at the gym.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    It's almost impossible for me to work out at home. The gym's the place for me. It's only 4 blocks from my house. It's got a year round pool (love the pool) I feel like the pool is "my" pool, since i can go whenever I want & not pay for pool maintenance
  • Misschuchii
    Misschuchii Posts: 23 Member
    Both! I love walking outside and enjoying the weather since I live in Florida and we are finally getting a breeze!

    However, if I am at home working out it's easier for me to take a bunch of breaks and sit down or go to the kitchen! I can't do that when I'm at the gym!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    No gym nearby in a small town rural area so it really isn't a choice.
    Were it an option I would choose home/outdoors still because no commute time, workout in whatever clothes at whatever time, nature, not dealing with people, no fees.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I do home. No excuses that way. I have 2 benches, bars and plates and can do most anything here. If I relied only on the gym, I'd find every excuse to not go.
  • ssj80
    ssj80 Posts: 4 Member
    I prefer working out at home. I find that I am more likely to complete my workouts when I get right up in the morning go straight to the front room to get it in. I'm guilty of paying a monthly gym fee for 7 years and being able to count on two hands how many times I actually went. I'm not eager to go down that road again. I did the math and it sucks.
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm a gym person. I do more there because I see others working hard. Also the social aspect. People expect me to show up. Accountability is important to me
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Gym for me. Competition grade equipment plus my coaches. Don't even mind the cross town commute to get to it.
  • user0819
    user0819 Posts: 13 Member
    Got no time for gym.

    Home is better for an irregular schedule like mine. Videos are better for me because I get lazy if I don't have someone encouraging me. :P
  • maidengirl_
    maidengirl_ Posts: 283 Member
    Home. No money or time for gym. Lost 46 lbs at home :) HOME FTW!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited November 2016
    Home. The last time I had a gym membership, I picked up a fungal infestation from the locker room. Down 84 lb so far.

    I've collected a bunch of fitness crap over the years, so now I have a treadmill, a strider (cardio machine), some free weights, a kettlebell, an Iron Gym, a heavy punching bag, a basketball hoop, a bicycle, a big ball, some elastic bands, and my clothes horse, which is another piece of cardio equipment I don't use for cardio any longer because it's just so danged useful as a clothes horse.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    I have equipment at home but i am way more faithful going to a gym. It's 7 minutes from my house and I like working out with other people. It keeps me going. At home, I get so distracted with kids, house stuff, etc that I either don't work out or cut my workouts short. I go first thing in the morning before the kids are up and get a good hour and a half in. If I were at home, boredom would have me stopping at a half hour and doing no lifting. Honestly, whatever will keep you motivated and you can do consistently that's the best thing for you.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    The gym as there is a plethora of equipment, weights and machines.
  • EternalSnow627_
    EternalSnow627_ Posts: 85 Member
    I use to goto the gym then lazyness took its toll i started not going there lol so I workout at home with unusually playing a video game call just dance and also fit some treadmill in too and all that is maybe an hour and half