

  • I have been out of the dating world for a really long time. I spent the better part of my twenties hung up on an ex, and by the time I was over that, I found that I was surrounded by men that were nice enough guys, but really boring. At this point, I am too old for the bar scene (I can't compete with girls in their early…
  • I had the same problem with dancing, and the instructor recommended a potassium supplement. It made a huge difference!
  • Harrison Township
  • I have made similar changes, too. It isn't easy, because I love tomatoes and citrus fruits (not to mention fast food!). I have cut out soda of all kinds, tomatoes, citrus, eating after 7 pm, and high fat foods. I feel like all I get to eat is lettuce and chicken. At least I feel better, though!
  • My dad was that person for me. He died of a heart attack two years ago. When I realized that I weighed more than him, being five inches shorter and a woman, I decided I needed to turn myself around and get healthy. I know my dad was proud of me, but I know he wants me to enjoy a full, happy, healthy life. I am sorry for…
  • My old dog was a golden retriever-chow mix, and he was awesome. He died earlier this year. My current dog is also awesome, but I have no idea what kind of a dog she is. If I knew how to post a pic, you could guess. The shelter said lab/golden/boxer, but she is too small for that. One vet said German Shepherd-Pit Bull. A…
  • I loved living in New Baltimore! I miss it!
  • I've gotten "You have such a pretty face" which is their way of saying "but your body is huge". I think my weight has kept me single. I looked on online dating sites, and even overweight guys are looking for "slender" women. For real? Dude, if you're big, you have no right passing judgment on someone else! What men post on…
  • I have lived in Sterling Heights, Clinton Township, New Baltimore, St. Clair Shores, and I currently live in Harrison Township.
  • I hope it helps. I would like to lose fifty to sixty pounds. I have had digestive problems for some time, but just found out that it's GERD. I will probably have to be on medication for a while, and when I looked up what kinds of foods are bad for the condition, it was, of course, everything I like. So if nothing else,…
  • Dating a shorter man wouldn't bother me in the least. I'm 5'11", and I have dated shorter and taller. When I was sixteen, my grandma told me that everyone is the same height laying down. I didn't get what she meant until a couple of years ago (I'm a little naive sometimes). In fact, I really liked a guy that was 5'6", but…
  • A few months ago I got a coupon for Argentine Tango lessons, and I thought it might be a fun way to meet new people. It was, but it was so much more! I am extremely shy, so letting someone into my personal space was a big struggle. I feel so much more comfortable with it now, though. Also, letting the man lead was…
  • A few months back I started Argentine Tango. I hope to start Salsa this summer, as well. Right now with my job and graduate class, I don't have time for more than one. I love it, though! I started on a whim, and it is so much fun!
  • My dog died recently, but he was a Golden Retriever-Chow Chow mix. Best dog ever!
  • Mine was also Sweatin' to the Oldies with my mom when I was 14. I still like it! Richard Simmons has a great heart for people who don't always get the respect they deserve. I admire him greatly for everything he does for people who struggle with their weight.
  • My dog died recently, and I have changed all of my profile pics on social media to photos of him.
  • 6 feet even, and I wear heels occasionally.