Looking for new friends!
Many ortho and sport medicine docs consider swimming very hard on the body. In my 6 years swimming on a competitive level I injured my back, my shoulder, my knee and my hip. At one point I had 5 compressed nerves in my spine. Anything repetitively done to the joints carries the risk of injury - including hefting around…
Lot of good replies here. I was a competitive swimmer and by 17 had injured my shoulder and knee and had to stop. I did gain weight because later on I had some non-athletic injuries. But the problem was eating like an athlete and living like a couch potato. I am nearly back to where I used to be in life and hope to someday…
I am 5'7" and aiming for 120. I have a small frame and a few orthopedic injuries so I am trying to get down to my weight from college to take the pressure off my knee and spine. Good luck and feel free to add if you wish!
Hey I am moving to Tampa/St. Pete this program it is awesome.
no problem!
I lived in Clovis for four years, love N.M.! I would go back in a sec if I could settle down in Alamogordo. :heart:
Congrats! I have three - ages 4-9 at home. ;-) You would think with all the running that losing weight would be easy right? lol
Hi add me if you want! I used to be a competitve swimmer and now am getting back into shape. ETA - drink lots of water and keep up the protein. That should keep the pain down along with regular stretching and healthy diet. ;-)
NY but I am on my way to Florida!
Wow that is incredible! Congratulations!!
Thanks for the link. And I really agree with your statements about how these products are marketed. I didn't even know about the dr. oz bit when I started my ketone blend. I have a son with autism, and I am a RN, so I am constantly looking for supps that improve health with minimal risk. Every time I would try to cut…
Do you by chance have a link to the actual study? They ususally do go nuts with the dosage on those cute little critters and I was just curious as I have heard references to the study but not seen the actual studies themselves. Might be helpful to the OP as well! :smile: To the OP - There are a couple clinical studies…
I currently take raspberry ketones in a blend of a few other things and it is what helped curb the appetite. A few of my friends have started taking them and seen the same results. But they aren't magic in a bottle by any means, they just made it easier for me to do the work. So far as I know, the only clinical trials have…
34 here and the best I've felt since I was a teenager :wink:
Themommie - I love your suggestion about earrings! I did something similar, if I got through the week and met my goals I went out for one new shirt or a pair of shoes. Since then, I've lost 10 dress sizes and had to donate some of the early stuff to charity but even that was a nice reward! Congrats on your weight loss I am…
Amber, I'm so sorry for what you are going through and can so relate! You CAN do this! :wink: I'd love if you friend me, too.