30-40 yr olds out there???



  • jacksagod
    jacksagod Posts: 176 Member
    30 here, anyone can add me if they wish :-)
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    34 on Tuesday, the 9th
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    37 now. And I was 34 when I stepped into a gym for the first time to actually lift weights and work out. I've been boxing, kickboxing, lifting weights for the last three years and I'm in the best shape of my life. I also just ran my first 5k this year. The love handles are definitely the hardest part to get rid of. They're the last to go and the first thing to come back. Good luck with your journey, shoot me a friend request if you like.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    I will be 35 next week - feel free to add me! :)
  • jipus5
    jipus5 Posts: 9
    Hey sweetie! Glad your on here if you feel it's what you need to do! I have been overly happy with this site and phone app! Feel free to send me a friend request if:
    -you understand that I want what I give... seldom saying only "great day" type comments cause that is not really helping much. I look at everything on your diary, remind you of your bad choices and make suggestions for alternatives. I sometimes even include quickie recipes!
    I respond at the end of (almost) every day; I am never mean, always have a smile on my face and a giggle in my throat when I "woopsie, what was that" my pals; nor do i get upset easily so 'reminders' are greatly appreciated when I overdo from my pals.

    happy healthy eating! :)
  • velloxal
    velloxal Posts: 78 Member
    I am 43 add me if you like :)
  • a young 37 here. lol add me if you want
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I'm 37.. just hit my 55th day here (almost 2 months, wow!) and I started out with 100+ lbs to lose. I can happily say that when I stepped on the scales this morning for my unofficial weigh in, I saw a miracle.... I have hit the 20 lbs lost mark! I still have about 90 lbs to go, but like others have said.. I am not laying my age on any of this. All I know is that by my next bday (in April) I will be stronger, I will be thinner, I will be leaner and I will be better at watching what I eat. I learn a little bit more from this site and the folks on it every day.

    I don't do a lot of friend requests just because I like to "talk" with my friends and not post some copy/paste "wtg" all the time. But I don't turn them down if they come either. I have found it a bit easier to discuss health/weight things with others in my age range though lol.
  • Danayle
    Danayle Posts: 74 Member
    Hey....um, I'm 4..*mufflel*&..1..eek....so yah, this is an amazing site and if you use the tools it has to offer then you will not only be successful in attaining your goals but you will have a blast too!

    This reminds me when I was getting close to 30, I couldn't actually say 30 when talking about my age. I don't remember how old I was before I could finally say it.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    OK... I have decided I am 40 going on 25 cause that is how I feel! :)
  • Coryd2012
    Coryd2012 Posts: 132 Member
  • gojuju
    gojuju Posts: 4
    Age is just a number and I'm aging in reverse.

    I love that! I'm hanging on to that one...
  • owswixie
    owswixie Posts: 18 Member
    34 here and the best I've felt since I was a teenager :wink:
  • Holy crap...what an amazing response on my post! Thanks for all your responses and lets do this together cheers!
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    Feel free to add me as well anyone. I'm 32 and have been on this journey (this time) for 9 months and on MFP for just over a month.
  • Thanks for the support!
  • 37 now. And I was 34 when I stepped into a gym for the first time to actually lift weights and work out. I've been boxing, kickboxing, lifting weights for the last three years and I'm in the best shape of my life. I also just ran my first 5k this year. The love handles are definitely the hardest part to get rid of. They're the last to go and the first thing to come back. Good luck with your journey, shoot me a friend request if you like.
    Thanks for the detailed response and good luck on your journey as well!
  • I can totally relate on the abs thing, I just had a baby at 35 and I cannot believe how much harder it is to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight at this age versus when I was in my 20s. It is like I have no metabolism at all now...lol
    Thanks for the response add me if you like!
  • 40 years old - maybe I missed the mark - but I have same issues - I'm getting to a good weight place, but the lower belly is the most stubborn area.

    It takes a little more work I have noticed but it does happen over time if you keep at it.

    Telling myself the same thing I am telling you!

    Good luck!
    Thanks! Cheers!
  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    34 here, though I feel like I'm in my teens at times, and 80's at other!