kaygold Member


  • @Crazyravr , any creative ideas on increasing the protein on these delicious little miracles?!
  • I found the new archer farms protein ice creams and quest pizzas today! Bought one of each flavor of ice cream except the cookie dough (OOS) , and one pepperoni and cheese quest pizza; bummed my target didn’t have the supreme yet :/ Do NOT sleep on the archer ice cream you guys! I tried the chocolate peanut butter and mini…
  • I only eat Japanese sweet potato's because - delish! I usually just weigh and log them via USDA sweet potato nutritional information. The difference between an American and Japanese sweet potato is minimal, and weighing them and cross checking them to the USDA is going to be more accurate that eye balling a medium sweet…
  • THANK YOU x million! I am so trying these with the packs I have at home! Can't wait!
  • Do you have a ratio for the soda option? Is it like a can to a pack? Oh, and how much pumpkin did you use?! Sounds yummmm
  • Wow! Thank you all for the responses so far! I appreciate everyone taking the time to read, and advise to help me be a part of team 2000 + :smile: So, a trend I'm seeing is that a lot of you have a high daily step/activity count. I have a desk job, and the nature of my job makes it really hard to for me to get a lot of…
  • Mmmm, I'd say it takes me about 2.5 to lose a pound, so a 1/3rd of a pound a week? I don't like to weigh myself weekly, since the scale doesn't move that quickly, so I can't get more accurate than that I'm afraid
  • Happy to help! I'm trying to lose the last 5, and I find that tiny things like this can make or break my weight loss when I'm that close to goal :)
  • aaaaand yes I realize I sound like a kid taking gummy vitamins lol but honestly, its so hard for me to remember otherwise, and they don't make me nauseous, so win win
  • I took it years ago in college. I remember I had to keep upping the dose because after a while the dose I was on didn't work to suppress my appetite, which was what I was really taking it for. I did lose weight, but gained it back once I was off it. Today, I'm lighter than I ever was on the phentermine, and it was without…
  • I log my gummy vitamins because with the muti, fiber, and probiotics, my daily intake of gummy vitamins clocks in at 50 cals. Over the course of a week, that's 350 cals that I otherwise wouldn't be tracking. I also take vitamin D and an Iron/Vitamin C blend. Those aren't gummies, and have no cals listed, so I don't log…
  • But how do you know the calories to the point you know it fits? This is what I struggle with :/
  • so...the protein fluff...is it a whipped texture, or firmer like an ice cream? I don't like the texture of mousse, and whipped cream type items, but if the fluff is creamier I'd def give it a go...looks delicious!
  • I seriously cannot wait for these new halo top flavors!!!! Pancakes and Waffles, Candy Bar, and MOCHI GREEN TEA have my name written all over it. Can you tell I'm oodles excited for MOCHI GREEN TEA?! Maybe a sweet red bean flavor in the future...being Korean, I grew up with sweet red bean, green tea, melon and coffee ice…
  • I've had Mirena for a year, and I've had no problem with my weight. I will say I had a brief period where I was gaining weight, and I totally blamed Mirena for it. But then I realized I had been eating way over my new maintenance in consideration of an injury preventing me from exercising. I went back on a deficit and the…
  • I say I measure 98% of the time. If I'm eating a whole container of something, for example, a protein bar, frozen meal, yogurt cup, halo top (heck yes I'm eating the whole pint!), etc I just go off the nutritional label, and don't weigh. If I'm portioning something out, I'll weigh it. I also don't weigh gum, salt, pepper,…
  • I had a bad weekend 2 weeks ago. I tracked everything, and with all the calorie dense things I ate, I ate just under 6500 cals over my maintenance those 2 days. I weighted myself before, but I DID NOT weigh myself after because I knew that while the scale would reflect a huge gain, realistically, I could only gain 2 lbs at…
    in Bad weekend Comment by kaygold July 2017
  • Even though I know they aren't zero calories, I don't log splenda (unless granulated), walden farm products, pam, gum, liquid water flavoring, or spray butter. Honestly, I don't eat huge volumes of these items, nor do I eat them every day...well with the exception of splenda packets in my coffee, and gum. I think the…
  • I haven't yet, but its something I've been thinking of. At 5'7 I really wanted to get to 130. I'm 3 pounds away, a 0-2 depending on brand, but man oh man my body is being really stubborn getting there. I've been thinking about getting down to 125 , with a maintenance range of 125-130, but I don't know that my body will let…
  • I probably shouldn't have used the word rapidly lol. I'm at a fairly low deficit, so it will take a another month or so to reach goal.
  • Thank you so much for sharing your story, and giving me support and feedback! Your journey is inspiring :)
  • Thanks so much for the advice. Do you have a specific app in mind you could recommend?
  • Wow! I'm envious of you ladies who are eating 2000+ Kcal! How much do you gals work out if you don't mind my asking? I'm 5'7 , 135 and losing at 1740 a day. I work out for an hour at orange theory 3-4 times a week.
  • Thanks for all the inputs! I'm going to use the USDA website, and just err on the conservative as, to Franc127's point, I honestly have no idea how thick the fat was before I cut it, or if it would be considered lean in consideration of the fat I removed. Lynn_Glenmont thanks for your wealth of information! I did mean…
  • Thanks so much again! Any advice for how to manage maintenance in consideration of times of a calorie surplus? I've been scouring the board, and I can't seem to make sense of how one can ever go over their maintenance cals and expect to maintain weight. With no deficit, how does everyone recover from the occasional splurge?
  • Thanks so much for your well written response! So, in my current program, we do have the ability to increase weights. I started at 8 lbs weights, and have moved to 15 - 20 (depending on the exercise) over the course of a year. I guess I'm wondering if that is enough, or if I should a) add more strength training in my free…
  • ....LOL I knew it was something blatantly obvious that I was just overlooking. Duh! I totally should have recalculated my TDEE based on my decreased activity level. This would have impacted my maintenance calories as well, reducing them, so I probably was eating at a surplus that contributed to a weight gain. Next time,…
  • Hi Everyone! So...wow lol I've gone through 61 pages of this thread, and I have to say, there is a lot of good information here! Thanks for everyone who has contributed!!! At the moment, I am in a cut, as I am trying to lose 7 pounds I put on. I'm about half way there. I'm 5'7, and once I hit 130 again, I want to recomp.…
  • I don't know how to post pictures, but I saw on IG that Enlightened is coming out with Marshmallow treats. So, protein laden rice krispie treats! I love everything from Enlightened, so am looking really forward to these
  • I actually really enjoyed this bar lol! I liked how the blueberry topper wasn't runny, and thought it complimented the cereal bar texture perfectly from a ratio standpoint. I didn't find it artificial tasting at all, especially in comparison of some other quest bars, and really like the coating which tasted reminiscent of…