

  • The 2 biggest things with me is to not beat myself up about it, keep marching on, and maybe push yourself in a work out a little harder. DO NOT QUIT
    in Guilt Comment by lima33doc June 2009
  • Nah, just tend to pick up more Marine Of course knowing Marines the way that I do, that is NOT always a good I will have to look into these groups you mention.
    in Hello Comment by lima33doc June 2009
  • I actually just joined this today... Anyway, I had actually tried doing weight watchers, but always felt like I was starving. I decided to pick up the Biggest Loser cookbooks, and used their method and it seems to actually work better as far as keeping me full. My diet diary is public, so you can actually see what I eat.…
  • The bad part is that the gym really isn't an option for me; my best bet is throwing a weihted pack on my back and going hiking to start with and then working to running.
    in Hello Comment by lima33doc June 2009
  • Wow...a Navy wife...nice. I will avoid the questions about what your husband does/where he is and such. As far as how much I want to get back in, well anyone that has known me for more than 10 minutes can usually tell I am former military, and another 10 amd you can tell I still have the itch. PS, the drop and give me 20…
    in Hello Comment by lima33doc June 2009