I have a question about making an entry. I made myself a poor man's sloppy joe this weekend to eat during the week. It was 3lbs Jenny-O ground turkey, a whole yellow onion, a head of garlic, then that got broken into 4oz serings. For the meal I added 1/3 cup Ragu Light no sugar added sauce, 1/3 cup part-skim mozz, and a…
I suppose I should have added this to my original post, but what is the deal with the groups? How does one join a group? Would love to join one for the motivation.
So to give you a tiny bit of background, I am a former Navy man (Corpsman for those that know what the heck I am talking about), that spent the last 3 of my last 6 years in with Lima Co 3rd Bn 3rd Marines. I got out in 1999. So now it has been almost 10 years. After I got out, I, shall we say, let myself slide. I came to…