

  • It might also be because you aren't getting enough iron. An iron deficiency can make your legs feel really heavy, and if that's the case, then you should get more of that.
  • Don't say don't wish to have an eating disorder...
  • MFP assumes that your exercise is vigorous to very vigorous. It's why I only log in my exercise at about 2/3 of the actual time I take to do them (40 min instead of 60, etc) - because I figure I'm only giving ~2/3 my all. The only exercise calories I really trust to be more or less completely accurate on MFP are the…
  • Hahaha Dr. Cal Lightman from Lie to Me, Vin Diesel, and Gordon Freeman from Half Life..
  • serving is a tiny amount of food.
  • Check out these websites: Most importantly, you'll feel healthier and better overall if you lose the weight.
  • I. Love. Oatmeal. 11 for like. May I just say...
  • Sometimes when I see the 400-calorie binges labelled as "big *kitten* binge" it upsets me because I feel like they're using it as an excuse to have other people tell them to not worry, that the 400 calorie "binge" isn't bad at all...because I know when I really binge, I'm ashamed to put it on any website. I don't want…
  • Not only do the pictures show that your hard work really paid off - but in each picture, you're smiling more, too :) and that's the best part of it!
  • No - MFP shows you burn 676 calories for 30 minutes on the exercise bike for "very vigorous effort" - for "light effort," it says that you burn about 150-200 calories, depending on how much you weigh. Obviously you thought that you worked out at very vigorous effort, when actually, you were only expending very light…
  • This is so nice :D 1. Your picture shows you to be a happy person and you have an exercise machine in the background - which shows dedication! 2. My dedication.
  • WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO EAT LESS BREAKFAST FOOD??...breakfast is the best meal of the day! :D I love breakfast foods. No saving calories for me, there. Look at my breakfast for today (5/13/2012), my food diary's unlocked... 635 calories and no regrets. ~yolo~
  • Don't worry about sugar so much, MFP doesn't really delineate "good" and "bad" sugars. Watermelon has 18 grams of sugar, for example, and no one can argue that watermelon is BAD for you or that you need to eliminate watermelon.
  • Alright, well, it could be water weight (which can add up to 4 pounds), a big meal/extra food (can add up to 2 pounds), or "that time of the month" bloating/extra weight (up to 10 pounds! see this website: So in 1.5 weeks, you could "gain" 16 pounds without…
  • I'm a It's cause I have no boobs :'( At all. Like I went to get myself measured at Victoria's Secret and the woman was like "Oh! You're tiny..!" Awkward.
  • I've seen it (my friend has one and uses it with the iphone app) and I, too, have thought that this might be an interesting investment, but what I'm afraid of is getting it, seeing all the calories I burn from moving around, and then thinking, oh, then I can eat an extra x calories because I burned this much by walking…
  • Where's the small boob thread??? I can't find it... :(
    in Big Boobs Comment by fittorow May 2012
  • I hate it when that happens! Specifically, I have a friend who keeps yelling at me that I "DON'T EAT ENOUGH." When clearly, I do. I never go below 1400 calories a day and I usually keep it at 1600-1800 a day. I got so annoyed once that I decided to list out everything I ate for her that day, but I think she likes saying…
  • Thanks for the tips, guys. They're really helpful :)
  • Iron fortified cereals? I'll try that, it sounds great! Do you have any suggestions as to which I should try?
  • I haven't recently, but I know when I got my blood done a few months ago for different reasons, my doctor told me that I was slightly anemic. I don't really know what "slightly" means and I never got a look at the charts, but that does mean that I'm not getting enough :/
  • New York City! :)
  • I feel like with that description, if you lost more fat at a slow pace, you would end up with a nice hourglass figure! You'd end up losing more belly fat and more fat overall with that, and the muscle would keep your butt from disappearing. Personally, I'd think heavy lean would be better than skinny fat, but I'm no…
  • So would this be like a raw food diet with chicken, then? If you're only going to eat veggies? Or maybe like a vegan diet? Or are you "only going to eat celery" - but with other stuff too, like peanut butter, and cheese? Just trying to gauge how many nutrients you'd get from this diet.
    in Celery Diet Comment by fittorow May 2012
  • muscle tone c;
  • Today was oatmeal and a tablespoon of peanut butter, with dark chocolate chips. And a navel orange on the side. And fried egg whites c:
  • Let me just thing ever. I like putting dark chocolate chips and bananas in my oatmeal. Almond shavings with brown sugar, blueberries. Ahh I love oatmeal.
    in Oatmeal Comment by fittorow May 2012