beckykceb Member


  • You look (and no doubt feel) FANTASTIC! Your arms look incredible!!!!!! :)
  • Oh my goodness! I am just getting into the swing of this site and found how to go back to a thread I posted! haha. I am so glad there is a place for all of us to get together and support each other!!!!! Please feel free to add me!!!!
  • Representing Southern Illinois right here! Marion (yes, close to Carbondale....Southern Illinois University) :)
  • I was born up north and lived a couple years in Glen Ellyn (still have family up there) but raised down here in SO ILL. What area did you live in down here?
  • okay, I don't know any of you yet, but I had to jump on here! I'd like my X baggage to go as well........ :) I agree with what Meghan said....."She sounds like a sociopath. But on the bright side, if you meet someone you really like and who really likes you, the ex won't really matter. If the ex matters, the girl wasn't…
  • ktbkitten - They LOVE it!!!! We are naturally outdoor people. It is rare that we are inside. My youngest (just turned 2 in April) asks daily to go hiking. ha. Nothing makes me prouder! :) They both do extremely well on the trails (neither have to be strolled/carried in a backpack) and because of the mobility we are no…
  • We are hiking Ferne Clyffe tomorrow (we do 2-3 times a week well as Giant City and Garden of the Gods). Granted, we only do about 2 miles as I have my children with me (2 and 4), but that doesn't mean we stick to the flat trails! Our favorite spot is Hawk's Cave trail, all up hill and once you get to the top…