

  • I understand completely. I have hashimotos. People just don't understand, they try to understand. You just want to get to a place where trying to concentrate is not a battle, to have a long active day without getting tired and cranky. To leave behind the mood swings, to not get sick at a drop of a hat. It wasn't until…
  • My Dr put me on a 1100 calorie a day diet with these instructions, no veg that grows underground, carrots, sweet potato, potato beetroot etc. no bread, no pasta, no rice, no crackers , no chips. Also no tropical fruits as high in sugar that converts to carbs. So no melon, pineapple, no mangoes, no bananas. Also advised not…
  • I have been on thyroid meds for 10 years. Generally my weight has stayed the same. I went on a diet with ecercise last year and lost 40 pounds only to regain it in 6 months by eating everything I wanted and no exercise. The weight comes off far more slowly for me than with people who are the same weight and no thyroid…
  • I just started drinking green tea. And it keeps me full and it stops the sweet craving.. Well I think it does. I had terrible cravings yesterday. I had a cup and after a while I didn't crave for something to eat. So when I get the nibblys I drink a cup. I wonder if this will still be the case this time next week.
  • The problem with general doctors is that they have a basic understanding of the thyroid. For 10 Yeats I have been asking my Drs who are treating me for hashimotos but they keep telling me that they can treat it and I don't need an endocrinologist Finally I found a new dr who said yes I needed a specialist. I never had a…
  • Ohhhh brain fog is the worst. I work in an area that if I make a mistake I could cost my work thousands of dollars.
  • It's pretty much all of the above.. Fatigue, depression, aching joint are the worst. Dry skin, brittle nails and veritgo. The vertigo does impact my life as I can't get on escalators. Looking at the steps makes me dizzy. It is a real problem when your traveling. I have some problems in detecting never ground and walking…