Hypo-what's your worst symptom?



  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    Mine would be fatigue and lack of motivation!!!! Oh and Brain Fog is huge. I literally forget things that my kids tell me 1/2 hour later. I have never been this bad. On top of being hypothyroid I have insulin resistance and am pre menopausal at the age of 41! I'm on meds, I eat right, I workout, I exercise and still cannot lose weight. My current weight is 216. So frustrating. I'm so glad I am not alone and have this group for ideas :)

    I completed menopause. by the age of 42 due to POF. My thyroid has now calmed down during peri and full on menopause my thyroid was the worst and maintaining weight was about all I could do. It does get better. Going gluten free helped a ton! I am not 100% GF but, I try to be careful. Best of luck you can do this
  • hard to lose weight, lack of motivation ( sometimes), fatigue (also sometimes)....I'm moody (I blame it on my hormones)
  • I get brain fog too...my hubby gets mad at me sometimes for not remembering something (ex pay a bill on a certain date)...
  • It's pretty much all of the above.. Fatigue, depression, aching joint are the worst. Dry skin, brittle nails and veritgo. The vertigo does impact my life as I can't get on escalators. Looking at the steps makes me dizzy. It is a real problem when your traveling. I have some problems in detecting never ground and walking down the stairs makes me dizzy. People makes jokes all the time and get frustrated having to walk the long way when we go out. At first I thought it was a phobia but after reading a lot and talking to other people I find that it's not a phobia at all. Watchung trains leave the station also makes me dizzy. I have finally started seeing a specialist after 10 years of having this condition. 10 years too long. Some doctors think that they can treat this themselves. But they are general practioners they don't specialise in this field so how can they know everything.
  • Ohhhh brain fog is the worst. I work in an area that if I make a mistake I could cost my work thousands of dollars.
  • agamy4
    agamy4 Posts: 31 Member
    Fatigue, lack of motivation to do anything all day, and hairloss. I part my hair a specific way to hide it...kinda like a combover!
  • nznatural
    nznatural Posts: 45 Member
    I have no thyroid at all, and Im dependent on my meds 100%: when I swing the hyper way, its sleep problems and brain fog. When I swing the hypo way, its sleep problems and brain fog. Although, when I was hyper, I was nearly fainting way too often for my liking.

    Ive gotten over the whole weight issue, for the most part - but I put on weight when Im hypo and hyper also (when Im hyper, I just want to eat all the time, but because Im so tired, I dont have the energy to burn it off).

    Ive only ever been really strongly one way or the other once or twice - Id pick being hypo hands down any day over being hyper!
  • nznatural
    nznatural Posts: 45 Member
    Oh, just thought of the worst one. Period pains.

    Thank god for the pill - its really been a life saver, but I fear the day I decide to come off it and try for kids!
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    sluggish in the mornings-and having less energy is worst symptom, followed by slight depression and brain fog
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I wonder if it's possible to have hypo symptoms since childhood but still not developing hypo until reaching 25-31 years of age?
    Because i've had all the hypo symptoms since i reached puberty at 9, but all my lab tests were normal until i turned 31

    Constipation, constant hair loss (lots of hairloss!!!), weight gain, brain fogginess and lack of energy have been with me all these years.
    I now have low heart rate, constipation,hairloss,brain fog and my memory is really affected. The worse are hairloss and brain fogginess. My energy levels are fine I think.
  • recpharm
    recpharm Posts: 9 Member
    I would have to say mine is, constipation, fatigue, and weight gain.
  • OH my. You sound like me. I was astonished reading all these symptoms people are having.. Im like, hey, thats me!!! I have noticed every time I get really depressed that I get so down and out and really put myself down, then after 3 or 4 months of sleeping irregular, being moody, my endo checks my levels and the are within the low normal range. Usually he ups the dose and I feel better. This time he wont up the dose because I have an icd that shocks me when I go out of cardiac stability and he doesnt want to mess with a higher dose..
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I wonder if it's possible to have hypo symptoms since childhood but still not developing hypo until reaching 25-31 years of age?
    Because i've had all the hypo symptoms since i reached puberty at 9, but all my lab tests were normal until i turned 31

    Constipation, constant hair loss (lots of hairloss!!!), weight gain, brain fogginess and lack of energy have been with me all these years.
    I now have low heart rate, constipation,hairloss,brain fog and my memory is really affected. The worse are hairloss and brain fogginess. My energy levels are fine I think.

    Did you have bloodwork done specifically on thyroid that young? From age 11-13, I was constantly cold and numb (while living in Florida), tired, cranky, and my period was crazy... most of this was attributed to having just started my period and/or an "adolescent phase." Really. I had teachers suggest to my parents (even though my grades were stellar /nerd) that I may be "looking for attention" by being so out of it all the time.

    No one did bloodwork... but low and behold, something sure seemed up when my mom noticed a HUGE nodule on my thyroid protruding from my neck at age 13!

    I wonder what my levels would have been if anyone had ever checked.
  • My worst have to be... feeling cold cold cold cold!!! low heart rate and skipped beats (at it's worst make me feel sick), and pain in my hands and arms, brain fog (esp at work!). I've only just had my first 8 weeks of Levothyroxine so back to the doc next week to see how it's going. I have hashi's so apparently it can go up and down... :(

    It's great to have found a group in here of people who know what this crap is like! I don't have anyone IRL who knows. Hi everyone!
  • Tinytaru
    Tinytaru Posts: 185 Member
    Fatigue, lack of motivation and terrible hair loss :(
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    Yes, I did have blood tests since I was very little. I used to get sick a lot because of other issues and also, we knew my mother had hypo and that I could develop it. But all lab tests came "normal", but maybe they weren't "normal" enough! Too bad I threw them all away :(
    I was always so tired too :( I was labeled as "lazy" but I knew that that wasn't the cause. I thought I had some sort of attention deficit or chronic fatigue, but back then those conditions weren't diagnosed seriously by GPs in my country of origin.

    changing to the hair loss subject(but not necessarily off-topic)...

    has anyone ever thought of picking up all the hair that you find at home to make a future wig?or hair extensions maybe? I feel I could make good money by selling my hair XD it's a weird thought I've been having all weekend

    I know, I'm weird XD
  • Muscle pain :/.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member

    The depression stems from the weight gain which led to a lack of motivation. I know I should be doing something, but I just can't find the drive.

    This! The depression completely kills my motivation. That on top of the fact that my joints and muscles ache ALL the time (don't even get my started on the hip pain) makes it really difficult to get myself up in the morning and get my behind to the gym. I HAVE to do it in the morning because after work, all I want to do is go home and sit on the couch (depression again!).

    Luckily I have a supportive husband who only has to be reminded once a month or so that I can't maintain my weight as easily as the average Joe.
  • Canuckette
    Canuckette Posts: 8 Member
    Exhaustion, which leads to all my other issues (bad mood, chaotic environment, lack of motivation to get things done, exercise)


    My ongoing battle.
  • torrini
    torrini Posts: 78 Member
    My meds are starting to be at a pretty good dosage but I still have constipation problems. I also forget things easily and have trouble getting things started be it work, school or whatever. I used to be really sensitive to cold, this is probably the first winter in years that I don't have to deal with it as much.