Hypo-what's your worst symptom?



  • glitteringloke
    Depression. Before i started synthroid i was pretty down in the dumps a majority of the time (with some periods being worse than others) but after, my mood COMPLETELY changed. If I manage to forget to take it on a rare occasion, i'm in tears by lunch time for no good reason.
  • heathburn
    heathburn Posts: 3 Member
    My worst symptom is similar to depression symptoms in that I have lack of motivation and energy somedays. This was not always the case and to make matters worse I started out with a normal thyroid and then developed Grave's disease. Now I have hypothyroidism and cannot get used to the bouts of low energy and weight gain. Has anyone found an effective way to cope? I work out and take medications, but still have low energy. My doctor is of no help.
  • heathburn
    heathburn Posts: 3 Member
    Thank God, I am not the only one. I have always had down days through out my life, but now even with the addition of synthroid I still have worse than the down days prior to being hypo. The fatigue causes me to feel depressed because I feel lazy, which I have never been. Also, I am an LPN about to be an RN in two months and energy is something I have to fake a lot, which is sad, but in all my years working in mental health I realized that fake it til you make it is not always a horrible phrase. I have to make myself do the things I used to do effortlessly and then I have to play mind games like forgetting that I have thyroid problems so that I don't use that as an excuse to myself to no achieve the things I want to in life. Honestly, I would be completely happy if someone discovered someday that the symptoms are completely mental and not physical, but the fatigue can be so bad I find myself needing longer times in the morning to rev myself up for the day ahead. Thank you for sharing.
  • heathburn
    heathburn Posts: 3 Member
    Sometimes I have issues with constipation and before I started working out I used to and still do at times use a product called super colon cleanse. It really helped and was not super harsh like laxatives.
  • NursRatchett
    NursRatchett Posts: 39 Member
    I used to have very nice eyebrows and thick eyelashes, but no more. One other thing that drives me nuts is "brain-fog".
  • sherigambino
    sherigambino Posts: 26 Member
    Being cold and dry skin.
  • NursRatchett
    NursRatchett Posts: 39 Member
    Foggy brain, weight gain, and feeling cold!
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    Cold sensitivity is one of the worst. Also, aching joints and muscles. My hair also falls out a lot.
  • NdianJourney
    I have to agree about the weight loss, cold sensitivity, and my hair falling out top the list.
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    FOOD! and more FOOD
  • toddka1
    toddka1 Posts: 171 Member
    Wow! Reading all these posts is a real eye-opener for me. First was diagnosed as way off the charts Hyper and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Actually had a lot of the same symptoms as I do now that I'm hypo, except I could eat anything I wanted and still lost weight, and a racing heartrate. I was tired ALL the time with hair, skin and nail issues.

    First went on Methamizole, but then developed an allergic reaction so my tyroid was "nuked." After a few months, it seemed I gained weight overnight! Now, doc says my levels are good (am on synthroid), but as I'm always tired, I think I should ask him to check all my T levels and ability to convert as well for adrenal issues. I come home from work EXHAUSTED and find I really have to force myself to move (exercise, clean house, etc) and I quickly fall asleep on the couch.

    Glad to see that I'm not alone and maybe not as lazy as I think. I keep wondering why I feel so tired and unmotivated (which was never a problem before I got sick).
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 922 Member
    Depression/mood swings for sure. I have almost all of the other symptoms listed so far as well, some of them are pretty bad, but the moods are by far the worst. I am only 32 and have felt sad and miserable since I was 21. I can count on one hand the number of "normal" days I have had in the last 11 years.
  • jennco3
    jennco3 Posts: 72 Member
    Fatigue... constant, unyielding, could literally sit on my *kitten* all day fatigue
    Pain - muscle and body aches
    Brain Fog

    I have several others but those are the ones that effect me the most, on a daily basis.

    I didn't write the above statement but it is exactly how I feel! Along with some depression and anxiety along with being COLD!
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    Hi there - confirmed diagnosis today after 5 years of symptoms. Seriously relieved. The worst? Having people think you're crazy before you're diagnosed. Having doctors think you must just sit around and eat like Elvis or something. Anyway, symptom yucks are:

    1. Can't lose weight
    2. Lack of energy
    3. Loss of Hair
    4. Depression/Anxiety
    5. Cold all the time
    6. Dry skin
    7. Brain Fog
    8. Tired all the time
    9. Loss of Libido
  • Jentaylor0295
    Jentaylor0295 Posts: 93 Member
    Mine would be fatigue and lack of motivation!!!! Oh and Brain Fog is huge. I literally forget things that my kids tell me 1/2 hour later. I have never been this bad. On top of being hypothyroid I have insulin resistance and am pre menopausal at the age of 41! I'm on meds, I eat right, I workout, I exercise and still cannot lose weight. My current weight is 216. So frustrating. I'm so glad I am not alone and have this group for ideas :)
  • Izzyd1979
    Izzyd1979 Posts: 24 Member
    Gaining weight so easily and not being able to get it off. Intermittent depression and mood swings - now when I feel good and motivated, I'm scared cause I know the "down" is surely coming any day now. Being too tired to do much more than work, watch tv and sleep. I mean, getting laundry done sometimes seems like hiking mount Everest. Which makes me think everyone must think Im so lazy and boring.
  • lisaann1061
    lisaann1061 Posts: 24 Member
    Thinning hair, horrible nails, constipation (which has been a LOT better since going vegan) , and gaining weight at the drop of a hat. I have Hashimotos
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    That my once thick hair has thinned to half it's normal thickness and terrible brain fog, especially at night. It's to the point I can't even recall if what happened the previous night was real, and I feel like I can hardly function at night. Also being told to wait for any treatment. That's irritating
  • imagine76960306
    To those that suffer or have suffered hair loss, is there anything to treat it? Has anyone had substantial hair loss and then found something to diminish it? Would Armour over Levothyroxine, for example, make an impact on the hair loss?
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    I read that oil of primrose helps. So I take it. But I'm still getting my thyroid meds adjusted. I'm in a hurry to get it right, because I'm worried about the hair-loss. So I've been doing the temperature test (see stopthethyroidmadness.com)... I'm getting there lots faster then I would of by waiting 2 months between appointments! :laugh:
    I hope someone can give us good news that it grows back! I would imagine its kinda like when you have babies.