

  • 2049 and 3086. Ain't happening. Within a week I would have to buy all new pants.
  • Quote: It would help if you let us know your height, how much movement you do on a typical day, and also opened up your food diary. That shows us the big picture--have you been consistently logging, are you logging accurately, are you eating back exercise calories, how much are you over/under your target, are there any…
  • I am just not sure - dietician or doctor because outside of testosterone I don't know what the doctor has checked for. Dietician does make sense. The 1500 came from Fitness pal when I signed up so I don't know where that number came from but you would think that two years of too little food i would still lose weight. thanks
  • I have been riding more and more and faster and faster since 2011. I can knock out 25 miles at 16 mph and am fine at the end of the ride. I am not holding water, especially 12 pounds of it. With my level of activity I should SERIOUSLY be in the low 200s, not going above 260. 532 -9 430 -93 111 1769 1245 1127 679 735 -69…
  • I am slimming down. Just not losing weight so now my 38s are loose on my but I am still at 250. As far as slowing down on the exercise... I want to go harder. I was a very competitive speed skater and soccer player growing up. If I ride the 19 mile course in an hour 19 today I want an hour 18 the next time. I started…
  • 250. I didn't really adjust this week and add more food for exercise. I did go to ham sandwiches for lunch. Dinner is a meat and two veggies. I stay away from potatos and fried foods. Worst thing I probably do is pop-tarts for breakfast. I drink a lot of water during the day... a lot. I do not drink soft drinks. I may…
  • As far as the bike: I was told after the partial (inner) knee replacement to ride as much as I wanted to - that it is 0 impact. Considering my mountain biking habits I disagree with that but it's not given me a minute's problem. I also ride what is called the greenline here. (google shelby farms greenline - WONDERFUL) and…
  • I am perplexed and frustrated. I have been doing this for quite some time and have even been on the diet pill (can't think of the name of it - white pill with blue spots - requires prescription) twice. Doctor not much help, pretty worthless IMHO. I ride hard both weekend mornings. I ride at least two days during the week…
  • What great support here in the general diet and weight loss help forum. Gained 3 pounds this week.
  • Still hoping for any insight from anyone. Staying on my recommended calorie list. Working out every day be it cardio or weight training and... going nowhere fast.
  • Thanks for the input. The riding is nothing new. Started it a year ago February as recovery from a partial knee replacement. I did this for two weeks without a scale and then brought it in and was tickled to drop from 256 to 249 to 245. Then 253 the next week? VERY frustrating and no reasonable explanation!