

  • Ive also been gone and now I am going to start back. I have continued to excercise but I notice the weight is creeping back. I went from 154 to 160 and im scared it is just going to be a spiral into the 180's again. So Im not gonna let that happen. I love being size 8-10 for my 5'8 frame. So feel free to add me anyone that…
  • I dont think I would. But as long as you like the taste then there is no reason why you shouldn't.
  • I absolutely do!! In 2 hours yesterday I spent 30 minutes on a treadmill 30 minutes shooting hoops with my daughter (HRM 400 cal burned) then went home and cleaned the kitchen left my HRM on and in the next hour I burned 300 cal. 704 cal in 2 hours 1 working out, 1 cleaning. I am pretty sure that counts. Calories burned…
  • Avocados are amazing to eat and great for your body!! Healthy fat keeps you hair and skin beautifu. My Fav ways to eat avocados are as follows: Rough chopped with Cilantro, Lemon/Lime Juice S&P Sliced, sprinkle of salt splash of Balsamic Vinegar Blended to make a mousse/pudding (search avocado mousse) This morning I had…
  • Really the questions is what Foods do you wish had no carbs!! I can work off calories. Carbs totally different. Id love if carbs were not in Cereal!!
  • Vodka, La Croix, and slice of Lime sometimes a splash of fruit juice but usually thats only in my first drink. After that who cares!!!!!! Bloody Mary I have been reducing the calories by adding only Vodka, 3 oz of Zing Zang and finishing off with a La Croix. La Croix is my go to to add to any drink. It is also my way of…
  • Cauliflower is my fav!! You can cut it thick and grill it like steaks, you can roast it with some mushrooms and onions, or you can even mash it like mash potatoes. So many options and so good for you!!
  • You are amazing!!! Man on a mission with ambition!!
  • 5'8 currently 164 down from 195 (my heaviest). I was 135 when I got preggers at 22 cant ever inagine being that thin again. Ive been around 180 since. got heavy started a lifestyle change dropped 31 pounds since!! Its amazing how much better I feel in size 10's. Think I can get to a size 8 but thats as low as I go.
  • Eat Breakfast!! 2 eggs and maybe some turkey bacon with a splash of Cholula's Hot Sauce (no salt needed) yummo!!! Eat Carbs at lunch none at dinner. DRINK GREEN TEA all day long. Over ice or hot with lemon. Dont eat food that has ingrediants you can't pronounce and no more than 4 ingrediants. Its been working for me. But…
  • You can use half and half, or mix with the yogurt. Depending on what soup you are making you can chop cauliflower up really small and as it breaks down in the soup it adds a creamy texture that is amazingly satisfying. You can also use a little coconut milk. Hope these suggestions work.
  • I dont think anyone can have any excuse after seeing this. Someone said you are half the man you were, well I see it as you are 2 times the man you were. There is nothing sexier than a man on a mission with ambition. Good job and I hope you acheive everything in life you desire.
  • Bigelow Organic Green Tea I have found to be the best. Its not expensive, its clean, and I think it taste is mild and no bitterness that I have experienced with other brands.
  • No check the ingrediants and sugar level. If it doesnt say just Green tea then dont drink it. One to up to 4 Ingrediant foods are the way to go for any successful lifestyle change. As long as one of those ingrediants isnt sugar or some form of.
  • I drink Green Tea, Water and Unsweet tea. Those are my options. Green Tea is great because of the Health Benefits, antioxidants and helps with belly fat as well. Something else to think about is Lemon. Lemon really helps flavor water/tea cold or hot. Lemon is a strong antibacterial, antiviral, immune booster, digestive aid…
  • Just saw this. So I guess I will start OCT 1. I can barely hold a plank for 30 seconds so I need this!! since I have a week to go before Oct 1 i will concentrate on abs this week to strengthen them up. And Ill do about 15 minutes of Hula hooping everyday. This is excellent core strengthening. But I dont use a store bought…
  • Lets do It SW - 195 CW 175 GW - 160 My goal was to be 35 lbs lighter by the time I turn 35 which is in December!! So 15 to go!! IM READY!!!
  • 9.9 you give me inspiration gamer girl
  • Any Quote from a Mel Brooks Movie. Clazing Saddles, Spaceballs, Men in "Tight" Tights, wow there are so many. I espacially like Tommy Boy - You can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a bulls *kitten*, but Id rather take the butchers word for it. .... Stick your head up a bulls *kitten* ...Wait its got to…
  • I love both equally. I cook with regular bacon, great to sautee veggies in rendered bacon fat. But Trader Joes Turkey bacon is by far the best the other brands get so cardboardy.