Tabrean Member


  • I found for me, MFP was totally off on the # of calories I needed to maintain, and by a lot. I am 5'5", 111 lbs, and sedentary. MFP told me I needed a net 1480 calories/day to maintain that. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAA. That real number is 2000+, and would drop weight like a rock on their recommendation. In contrast, I have a…
  • Do you cook the oatmeal first or just put it into the blender uncooked?
  • I do the same thing with snacks - I look for things that are high calorie but easy to eat, and hopefully not all junk. I keep a supply of energy/protein bars in my desk at work, bananas, yogurt with added fruit and granola (full fat is my preference but I'm usually stuck with low fat unless I bring some from home - full…
  • Maybe you can do what I have to do to get going in the morning - I have alarms/reminders set on my smart phone that prompt me when to do the next thing - eat breakfast, take a shower, leave the house, etc or else I would never get out on time (thank you, ADHD!). Could you set yourself a series of electronic reminders…
  • I put protein powder in shakes and smoothies all the time and can't taste it...unless it's a gross protein powder that doesn't mix well. They are not all created equal. If you find one is gross, try another brand. I find chocolate syrup covers the taste of almost anything.
  • Sent a request. Interested to see what other people like me are eating as well. I am not always the healthiest eater. It is a little embarrassing.
  • Thanks for the idea! I hadn't even looked at the nutritional content on coconut milk. I do love coconut, so I sometimes make frozen cubes out of the canned coconut milk for smoothies. I haven't tried it as a beverage and will have to check it out.
  • That's great to know! I didn't know Ensure was okay for lactose intolerance. It's so creamy I assumed there was milk in it. I used to use it many years ago (like 15-20) as a supplement or when I was so stressed or anxious (I had an untreated anxiety disorder) I could barely eat. It kept my weight stable. Definitely going…
  • I hear you! I have always been skinny. I am barely 5'5" and my weight tends to hover around 110 lbs, maybe 115 over the summer when I tend to gain weight. I weigh the same now as I did 20+ years ago in high school. I still fit into shorts I still have from back then. People ask me how I stay so thin and I just say…