xPixie311x Member


  • Just starting up again; my diary is open feel free to add me please. Any positive motivation is good. =]
  • HEY SWEETIE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I a soo glad I got you to join! I knew you would love it; it is a great way for you and I to push each other from afar as well! Love you Sister! <3
  • NICE TO MEET YOU! I am new to the online program as well. I have been doing Weight Watcher's at home counting my points etc. using my points calculator, and my friend introduced me to this. It is wonderful. I am also 70+ over weight. I had spinal surgery in 2003 that caused me to gain 75 lbs., then I had two children. (now…
  • @ Kennedar- Good luck to you! I am done having children. I have two wonderful babies one will be 4 next month, and the other just turned 9 months. I had to have my tubes tied after very high risk pregnancies with both babies. I need the shots due to medical problems etc, and they are administered from my primary care…
  • I was on Lyrica for two years; it t put it bluntly did SH**. Recently they put me onto Savella, so far I do not see any difference as usual. I feel like I am "silently screaming" all the time, because I am constantly in pain.
  • Hi! I had spinal surgery in 2003. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2001 as well as Thoracic Arthritis, and sever migraine headaches. I can barely move sometimes; makes me feel terrible all the time since I have a 4 yr old and a 9 month old. I do what I can slowly, but sometimes feel like I am all alone in this battle,…
  • EXACTLY TATER! I couldn't agree more. That is why I suggested she have her levels checked professionally etc; maybe I was not specific enough :flowerforyou:
  • Hi I recently had my blood work done. After the Dr. reviewed the results they said that my Vitamin B-12 was at "210", and it should be over "400"; B-12 gives you energy etc. They said that was the reason I was soo lethargic/sluggish all the time etc. They told me to come once a month for a few months for a B-12 shot in my…