Mamita_zapo Member


  • Thanks Clair, ill add you know!
  • Thanks ill add you now!
  • Keep up the good work girl, what matters is that your moving ahead, not how long you have been doing it but that you are now on the right track. I too have had this app in the past but never made myself get into the habbit of using it, I am here to support you, Ill add you. I just want to feel good I n my own skin, no more…
  • Im on the same boat, I need to loose 130 llbs to reach my goal, what really motivates me is that My husband and I are ready to start baby number two, but I am not physically ready I feel it is vital to lose 100lbs before we start, we talked it over and we are going to try to meet this goal in a year. I would love if you…
  • Sounds Great I'm all in, I'll be taking my before pictures tonight and measurements!
  • ?Questions? How man new recipes a week do you need to try in order to accumalate the 2 points? Tracking Recipes, I could create a blog with pictures and date of reciepes I have tried and just message the group my link? could I make the blog with Myfitnesspal? do you think that would work?
  • Sugesstions: Stufffed cabbage Rolls! Plantain Burger buns zuccinni pasta Eggs and spinach in a muffin tin * My Fav breakfast.
  • I feel your pain sister, My problem is only eating once a day im in an office all day finding a chance to eat, I recently decided to do a raw fruit and veggie diet. it works better for my life style, i just cut up my fruit/veggies bring them in seprate bags and eat throughout the day. Which is great becuase now I feel full…