

  • Youve been just given one life Nichole, one short life to have and to enjoy... Live it - make it the best life it can be, be the best woman you can be, not only to others but to YOU! My Aunt said that nothing tastes as good as thin feels - she is right on the money... Food is a temp high, a short lived pleaser - being thin…
  • ok - so I know wha the HCG diet is now... stear clear of avacados! Just had 1/2 of one today and man do they have a ton of calories! ough! No birthday cake for me!!!! lol (I have a party to go to later... :(...)
  • Way to go! Not sure what the HCG diet is, but if you like roasted veggies then... slice and roast away and then youl'l have them for the whole week - they keep REAL well! I slice up green peppers, eggplant, zuccini green and yellow, and sprinkle a little bit of s & P on them and SPRAY olive oil - tada (I do a tray pof…