First week on the HCG diet!!!

:happy: This is my first week on the HCG diet and its going pretty good!! down 9 pounds and lots more to go!!! Its definately not as hard as i thought it would be...but then again its one of the hardest things I've done in my life...I've been overweight all my life and its definately a test on my willpower!!! So far so good!!! Anybody have any comments to share about the diet or any different foods they've used or recipes that would be awesome to chat with you!!!! Good luck on your weight loss journey!!!


  • jessebreanne
    This may be a silly question but, what is the HCG diet?
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    hey hairchick75! Congrats on the 9 lbs! If you want, there's a group of people all currently doing the HCG diet at this thread:

    I also have a 177 page HCG phase 2 friendly cookbook if you want it! Join the thread, many post their successes, their failures, support, tips, tricks, etc... you can definitely learn from others! I am 3 days away from maintenance phase, and I've lost 20 lbs!

    Please join us!!! We'd love to have you there!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    This may be a silly question but, what is the HCG diet?

    It is a special diet created by Dr. Simeons after studying obesity in Italy for 20 years. You can read about it online. There are a lot of people for it, and a lot of people against it. It's up to you to form your own opinion about the diet.

    Basically, it uses Human Chorionic Gonadotripin (HCG), which is a glycoprotein hormone produced during pregnancy. This triggers your abnormal fat to burn instead of your muscle fat, etc... It can be received in injections either by you or your doctor, or in sublingual drops (which are cheaper, and easier!). During this time, you are on a 500 calorie diet of vegetables, fruit, and protein.

    I'd advise you to read up on it before deciding to do it if you're thinking about it. Some people decide it's not right for them. Talk to your doctor, read all the information and FAQ's, and even read some of the threads on it.
  • hairchick75
    It's a very low calorie diet...500 calories plus the hcg hormone in either drops,injections or sounds horrible but after seeing it work its amazing!! You can check it out at
  • nurse_jenie
  • hairchick75
    Thank you kalyrra!! and congrats on your weight loss as well...will definately follow the link!!
  • hairchick75
    Thank you nurse_jenie!!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I am also curious. If you are only eating 500 calories how are you not starving. I have issues staying at my 1200 which that I thought was the very minimum.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    I am also curious. If you are only eating 500 calories how are you not starving. I have issues staying at my 1200 which that I thought was the very minimum.

    Read the manuscript by Dr. Simeons called Pounds and Inches... he explains how everything works.
  • maryschmitz
    Way to go! Not sure what the HCG diet is, but if you like roasted veggies then... slice and roast away and then youl'l have them for the whole week - they keep REAL well! I slice up green peppers, eggplant, zuccini green and yellow, and sprinkle a little bit of s & P on them and SPRAY olive oil - tada (I do a tray pof each, 1-eggplant - 4 or 5 zuccini if they are small and about 3 peppers)... yum! I wrap them in whole wheat wraps - add in a tablespoon of hummus, some lettuce - you will love it! Again HCG? Good luck on your journey, god bless! oH, us them in egg whites for breakfast too!
  • maryschmitz
    ok - so I know wha the HCG diet is now... stear clear of avacados! Just had 1/2 of one today and man do they have a ton of calories! ough! No birthday cake for me!!!! lol (I have a party to go to later... :(...)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    ok - so I know wha the HCG diet is now... stear clear of avacados! Just had 1/2 of one today and man do they have a ton of calories! ough! No birthday cake for me!!!! lol (I have a party to go to later... :(...)

    Has nothing to do with HCG, but avacados are actually fantastic for you, in moderation. It's a very healthy fat. 1/4 of an avacado is a great way to add healthy calories to a salad or similar meal.
  • yomairaA
    yomairaA Posts: 32 Member
    I started the HCG diet with the shots 3 weeks ago and I have lost a total of 17.2 lbs and I feel great. Its has taken some work and Ive had to fight the urges to grab the bag of chips or candy bar. So far this is the best weight loss plan I have been on... Good luck...
  • cakefarm
    Do you have to take the shots / drops forever? What happens when you hit your goal weight? Do you continue to eat 500 calories a day?

    I've never heard of the HCG diet - am just curious about sustained losses. It seems like it would be difficult to maintain a loss that you obtained by eating 500 calories a day and injecting yourself with pregnancy hormones.

  • scodymack
    Is the diet hard? Where did you get the HCG?
  • fivefatcats
    The diet is simple, not easy.

    Please read the protocol:

    Once you look it over, feel free to ask any questions you have.

    The low cal phase is of short (23-40 usually) days, then 3 weeks of 'maintenance' then an adjustment to a NEW WAY OF LIFE.

    It has been a miracle for me, and some others!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • fivefatcats
    It's not a fad. Your chances of keeping the weight off rest entirely on whether or not you learn anything about eating/fitness - just like ANY OTHER WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM.

    If you are interested in the diet and want support, come to the support thread.

    Otherwise you will get alot of flack from people who are against it, regardless of whether or not they have researched or tried it.

    There will always be fuel for a heated debate on the subject.
  • hairchick75
    Congrats on your 17 lbs...this is so hard...the urges are driving me crazy...i'm doing the injections too....have you had any hairloss..i've heard that happens...
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    Please be careful being on this diet. I have a girlfriend who started it 3 months ago and we buried her last week. She got a huge embolism (blood clot) that killed her. She was 26 and the mother of two. The doctors say that there is nothing else that could have killed her. The clots were formed after she started the HCG injections. Yeah, it helps you lose weight fast but the detriment it does to your body takes years off your life. The FDA is in the process of getting the drug banned in the United States. My friend now makes the 34th person to die from taking these injections so please, just be careful because the weight that you want to lose could end your life. Just a healthy warning.