

  • That sounds awesome. What a great way to remember her.
  • What are you going to get? The rule of thumb is the closer to the bone the more it hurts.
  • Good Job Mary, How funny we had a snow day also. So day off for me Whoopee. Calorie burn 440 Total to date 1960/3500 I think just for now I will try to reach 3000 till this cold is out of my chest. My friend was chewing me out for getting on the eliptical while I have this bad cough and laryngitis. She said working out…
  • Total calorie burn so far this week 1520 / 3500. Still not quite feeling 100% health wise so I'm happy to be getting in my workouts. They may not be big #s but I will keep up with what I can do. Good Luck to All...
  • Good Morning All... :) Feelin Good after my workout. Elliptical, & Yoga 1hr 23 min -792 calories burned. Now gonna run to the store and do some shopping. Have a Great Day
  • Me Too Mary, Gonna go for a big burn tomorrow. I'll have my Oatmeal and Protein drink an hour before and ready set go... goal for tomorrow anything over 700-800 calories will make me a happy camper. Chat with you tomorrow... :) To all the new comers Welcome.:) I truly think this is a great thing to hold us all accountable…
  • Thanks Mary for the advice. I am trying to tell myself the scale is just a number not to worry. I know that I fell better about myself even with the 20 loss. So if it takes me a little longer to lose it so be it. I will stay focused on other things like the calorie burn challenge and physical changes I can see in my body.…
  • Back with my update: Elliptical, weights & circut training 812 calories Grand total for the week 3056/4000 Thanks Mary, see ya next week, I hope your knee is feeling better and we will both try again starting Monday. Mary what are you doing to get such good numbers for weight loss. I have been stuck at a plateau for over a…
  • Thanks for the encouragement Mary. Still gonna try to get in a good work out for the last day but I'm here for the goal next week again. I wish I felt 100% I guess I have Laryngitis. The voice is gone but I can still work my butt off LOL. I will update my total for the week a little later. Hoping for 3000
  • It was rough this week for me to keep up to the challenge, I was sick with the flu for two days... But here is my update Monday 87 min caloris burned 522 Tuesday Walking 90 min burned 301 Wednesday Sick Thursday Sick but I tried the Elliptical for 5/60 Friday Back on track 89 Minutes total between the Elliptical, Free…
  • Hello everyone just checking in for the day... Happy Valentines Day Daily Total for Monday 522/4000 Elliptical and Biggest Loser Challenge Wow seeing some great numbers posted for the day.
  • I just got the Wii game The Biggest Loser Challenge and so far I like the variety it is giving me. I usually just do the elliptical and some free weights. So I am hoping that adding to my workouts and increasing the variety I can get off the Plateau I'm stuck on for the past month. Thanks again for the Challenge posted....…
  • When you work out that much do you make sure to eat back your calories along with your alotted 1200 to start? I just feel like I'm doing so bad when I eat 1800-2000 calories in a day now
  • I want in. This week was the first one for me that I reached 4000. I feel great. I usually average 2500-3000. So this will give me a little push.. Good Luck all...Lets do It !
  • I would like to know the answer to that myself. I have lost 20lbs amd have stalled for the last month. I go up a pound or two and then down again. I need to find out how to get past this plateau before I get discouraged. I have been doing twice the workouts and eating back the calories I burn, but the scale doesn't budge.…
    in Plateau Comment by Madsin February 2011
  • If you really like your scrambled egg try something like Egg Beaters or Lucerne Best Of The Egg. For 1/4 cup which make plenty of scrambled egg it is only 30 calories in stead of 70-90 for just one egg. But don't beat yourself up your just getting going. Always remember it took you a long time to put on weight it will talk…
  • Great Job! Proud of you... Got any secrets you can share with us. I have been stuck at a plateau, I have gotten frustrated but I promised myself I won't give up. I can't afford to go to a personal trainer so I do what I can at home.