hippygeeza Member


  • well thanks hun.....u made me blush
  • dude u are soo right about everything u said....the tape is soo much more important then scales....especially for us guys who tend to lift weights and skip cardio... i get am on the point where the scales arent changing but i can now see the veins on my hands and have to make new holes in my belt. so i know my fat is being…
  • i say he doesnt deserve u and u should come out for a drink with me instead :O) lol
  • hey well done on starting the path to fitness, its going be long and tough but well worth it......i understand from what u have said that its hard to work out but dont forget every time u move u will use calories. even if u are just walking from one place in the house to the other....or doing the washing up.....or light…
  • thanks, guys i think i will start on the protein pre and post work out...thanks for all your answers
  • well i like getting thinner because i feel more comfortable and confident, i love it when people notice and compliment me. its more healthy, i find i get more nice looks from the opposite sex, i sleep better and find working easier. do none of those things ring true for u?
  • hey mini, best thing i have learnt (and i have gone from 155kgs to 117ish) is try to increase you resting rate. i.e the cals you would use by doing nothing all day. the way you increase that is by increasing muscle mass and/or density, now as a beautiful lady you prob dont want big biceps or traps so use very small weights…