

  • Hi! Just back on Keto too. /r/keto is a regular hangout of a lot of MFP-ers on keto. You can add me if you'd like! What're your goals?
  • I've lost 7 lbs, and have another 7 lbs to go. Reading about everyone on here is so inspiring! Add me if you'd like. :)
  • I only have a little bit of weight to lose (going from 54 kg/119 lbs to 48 kg/107 lbs), but I've already lost 3 kg/7 lbs in 5 days. My boyfriend, on the other hand, has only lost 1 kg/2 lbs in the same amount of time. I think it's all water weight though, which may be the case for your husband too. On a different note, I'm…
  • Name: Jay Reddit Username: joyoustaco Male/Female? 27, female Where ya from? Bangkok, Thailand I just got started, and look forward to meeting everyone.