romyker Member


  • I am at the same crossroads. I'm 3 years out (RNY) and realized I started backsliding a wee bit. Trying now to get a grip (again) on eating habits and also making myself accountable by coming back to MFP and logging everything. By doing that, I see how many calories I was putting in my mouth with little bites of this and…
  • Me too! I started tracking again recently and, being honest with my food diary, I realized I was grazing and snacking too many calories into my day. It's definitely a slippery slope and I definitely don't want to be back where I started.
  • I'm glad you asked this question because I am in the same boat. I had RNY in June and am down 55 pounds, but have stalled in the last month or so. It is frustrating because I work out 5 days a week and even ran a 5k without having to walk any of it. And I see people who've had the surgery around the same time I did and…
  • Since I had the RNY, I was told that I wouldn't absorb B12 through the digestive tract... have to take it either sublingually or a shot. I take Sundown Naturals brand sublingual B12. It's cherry flavored. For multivitamins, I take Centrum chewables or VitaFusion gummies. I also take Caltrate calcium plus vitamin D…
  • Enjoy the vacation and enjoy their reactions! :O)
  • Good luck to you! Compared to other surgeries I've had, the RNY was almost a cake walk. The only pain I really had was from the gas caused by laparoscopic surgery in general... nothing the little pain button couldn't take care of. Walk as soon as they tell you to, but also allow yourself to rest and heal. Too often we…
  • I am only 2 weeks post RNY and I'm starting to notice what I believe is hunger. A friend who had this surgery a few years ago said that the nerve that signals hunger gets cut during the surgery so I shouldn't feel hunger at all. I forgot to actually ask the doctor if this is true (I'll ask at my one-month follow up visit),…
  • I am just one week out from having my RNY. I've only told those closest to me. Lucky in a way, I work in a school so I have the summer off. I'm wondering if there'll be a noticeable difference when I return in August. I refuse to lie about it or take the mental energy required to be evasive, so when/if they start noticing…
  • Whew... I'm glad I found this group and this thread. I am one week post RNY and just logged my first day of food intake and was more than a wee bit worried when I saw I ate less than 400 calories yesterday and way too little protein. I'm supposed to be on liquids only for 3 more weeks, so I guess I'm going to concentrate…