LadyMorganna Member


  • You can add me if you want! I have lots 33lbs so far, and have another 22lbs to go before I am at my goal. But I am happy to add anyone! Sometimes I get off track and love the support of others! :) Anyone can add me!!
  • AWESOME!! You should post some new pics!
  • OK I have already started the 30 day shred. I am on day 17. but I still want to join you ladies! I will just keep going after my 30 days :) I am also going to look into more of jillians DVD's. I want to do her ABs DVD and the Killer Buns & Thighs!!! :)
  • I looked up how to do the Jillian 30 day shred, because I was confused if I should be doing it everyday or if I needed a rest day. From what I read online, it says do it everyday! 10 days on Level 1, then move up to level 2 for 10 days, then move up to level 3 and then stay on level 3. It does say only move up every ten…
  • I am so confused! I went from 185lbs (5'4) to 166lbs just doing cardio for 60min a day 6 days a week, as well as lifting weights for about 15 min. I do upper body one day, and lower body the next. Then I stopped losing. So a friend told me about MFP, I have been doing 1200 calories, but my net has alwasy been in the neg…