Need some new friends!



  • LadyMorganna
    LadyMorganna Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me if you want! I have lots 33lbs so far, and have another 22lbs to go before I am at my goal. But I am happy to add anyone! Sometimes I get off track and love the support of others! :) Anyone can add me!!
  • clc46226
    I am pretty new to MFP as well and need all the friends I can get. I do have over 100lbs to lose and friends who are there or who have been there and can relate would be great.
  • SBlost
    SBlost Posts: 90
    I will send you a request, I log every day and try to get online and read posts and chat a couple times a week. I have over 100lbs to lose too.
    anyone else feel free to add me as well.

    good luck everyone!!!
  • seeleylakegirl
    seeleylakegirl Posts: 5 Member
    I just started also. I am 46 & would love to lose at least 20 lbs to start with. I am also doing WW and was very sucsessful on it previously (lost 95 lbs), but not having much luck this time around. Someone suggested to try this site, so here I am. I would love to be add to your friends list.
  • Nurturegirl
    Nurturegirl Posts: 82 Member

    If you still need more friends to keep you on track, feel free to add me. I need to lose 100+ lbs too.
  • Doozer1978
    Doozer1978 Posts: 61 Member
    Everyone and anyone feel free to add me!

    I have about 56lbs to lose now, am on MFP as much as possible ( at least 5 times a day) and am up for motivating and being motivated!!!!!!

    My diary is open at all times and I love pouring through everyone else's!

    Good luck everyone

    Yay go us - chubbies to skinnies together!

  • PrettyMindy14
    PrettyMindy14 Posts: 70 Member
    You can add me if you'd like.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Step One: Cut a hole in the box. Wait, won't work here. Never mind.
  • MrsLeyva11
    I have over 100 lbs to go before I hit my goal :) Please, anyone feel free to add me! I love having a big circle of friends to help encourage and keep me motivated
  • beneficiaryofpossibility
    I'm always looking for active and supportive friends too! We have around the same goals. Would love to cheer you on if you're interested!!
  • kittybear86
    kittybear86 Posts: 341 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want :)