

  • In the past I would weigh myself every day while dieting and never saw the scales move until I dropped 2 sizes. I guess my weight just shifted to where it thought my body needed it, lol. I do not even own a set of scales now because I would be on them ever day. I have only been back on the MFP plan for one week today and…
  • Hi, I just began my journey on Monday of this week. I joined over a year ago but unable to use the site due to many reasons but able to now and looking forward to dropping some weight the right way (slowly in order to not gain it back) and keep it off. I am 50 and have no one else in the family dieting to cheer me on, and…
  • I want to say "Thank you" for sharing this info :happy: I had no idea and have been using the granular in my coffee and drinking the Milos Splenda tea since beginning my journey. I am thankful to find out in the beginning (I just started mine back up this Monday) so now I can add the calorie intake as I am using a calorie…
  • Congratulations on your engagement!!! I'm sure you are really excited to get into your wedding dress, but as the above have stated try and take it slow and not weigh in so often. I have always lost inches before the lbs ever dropped on the scale. My doctor explained to me that is was because my exercise program was…
  • I know how you feel, but I'm kind of on the opposite side. I have to fix my meals seperate as I am the only person dieting right now even though my spouse could drop a few pounds himself (I would not tell him that though as he is the love of my life even after 27 yrs). Have you tried using the calorie chart here on the…
  • Thank you for the kind welcome :) I finally finished my profile, lol. Looking forward to getting back in shape. I know it wont be easy, but I am a very patient person. Hope to be able to share my accomplishments and learn things so that I can motivate others.:smile: